Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Quote of the Day - Ari Fleischer on Donald Trump

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“Donald Trump is like watching a roadside accident. Everybody pulls over to see the mess. And Trump thinks that’s entertainment. But running for president is serious. And the risk for the Party is that he tarnishes everybody.”

 ~ Ari Fleischer

 Lawrence Ari Fleischer (born October 13, 1960) is a former White House Press Secretary for U.S. President George W. Bush, from January 2001 to July 2003.


Lynn Anderson said...

Donald Trump speaks the truth. Unfortunately to be president, you have to compromise at times. Trump is not about compromise--ever. At the moment, I respect him more than several Republicans who are running who are condemning him for speaking out...all for politics. Trump doesn't have a chance in hell but he will be a great platform for truth. He is not the least bit afraid of not being politically correct. Yeah for The Donald. He brings a little excitement to this process.

On a much, much, much smaller scale, it sort of reminds me of Jon Jordan running in Lake Worth. All he wanted was a platform to speak out. He got it.

Lynn Anderson said...

Oh no, my favorite Obama lover. There's no one who likes America in the Mid East other than Israel and even that love is diminishing by the minute. With supposed friends that we have there, who needs enemies? We may have a few allies, not friends.

Anonymous said...

NOT. Don't love Obama. Don't like Obama. But didn't much like Bush either. Iranians do not hate America. The mullahs hate us. But normal Iranians, who are well-educated, and who are NOT Arabs...do not usually hate us. See the Wall Street Journal 7/6/2015 "Do Iranians Really Hate America?"

Anonymous said...

I'd boycott all businesses for firing Trump for simply telling the truth ( watch the news) they want to keep the latino dollar. But I don't shop anyway. Anyone whos been close to the latino culture knows how much elitism is based on skin and money and every group has another they mock and shun.