Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Godless" Fake News Hateful Media

Mike Lindell, My Pillow Founder, Responds to the Media’s Outrage over his Faith-Based Speech

We should all be getting closer to God--

"When MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced that his company had committed to producing 50,000 masks per day, President Trump remarked Lindell’s action is 'what America is all about.'

But when Lindell took the stage after President Trump made the announcement, Lindell didn’t take the chance to pat himself on the back for helping the country in a time of need. Instead Lindell pleaded with Americans to move toward God during the pandemic, and media elitists and Democrats were livid.

MSNBC host Chris Hayes lamented the daily White House briefings are 'bad for the country' because they give people like Lindell a platform to mention God.

Everyone’s favorite fake news reporter, CNN’s Jim Acosta, went further saying Lindell’s appearance was nothing but a 'PR stunt.'”



Anonymous said...

If Mike Lindell had been a MUSLIM you would have heard PRAISE from our media!

Lynn Anderson said...

that's true anony

Anonymous said...

if mike Lindell was a pr stumt we need more of them.the man is an American and a christian