Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dave Stewart and Mike Bornstein

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Dave Stewart, mayor of Lantana

On April 12, 2012, Mike Bornstein, town manager of Lantana,  said the following: When you work at a place for so long, a place like Lantana becomes home in so many ways and I have had a great time. We do not always agree, but the Town was like family in that at the end of the day we do the best we can for the good of the group.  Lantana is a local government that cares and you may not always agree, but you get a chance to be heard. I have enjoyed working with everyone and the Town staff is awesome.

Mike Bornstein began his city manager job with Lake Worth on April 16, 2012. After a second motion (the first one failing on a 2/3 vote for Titcomb), the vote was unanimous to hire Bornstein.

So, why is Lantana's mayor hanging around our city hall these days?  Are things heating up again for Bornstein? Does Stewart just miss him? Is he giving his BFF some tips for success?


Anonymous said...

My guess would be an out of the sunshine meeting at Dave's !!! Hey Mayor, take down the gate you put across a public roadway. Ridge road in Lantana was used by many to get to Publix,especially those seniors not wanting to go on I-95. Again please take down the gate. Should Lake Worth start putting up our own gates?

Anonymous said...

One great thing Bornstein did is he came to the TRNA meeting this past Monday, he should attend ever single NA meeting in this city every month and listen to the public and help to address all the concerns and needs here. He makes a lot of money and this should be a requirement of him as the CM to attend every NA meeting. It was good to have him and I hope he starts showing he is doing more for individual areas of the city and if that mayor isn't giving him this advice to heed, I hope he heeds this from the blog. Thanks, come to all NA meetings and help us out to clean this city up Mike!

"Are things heating up again for Bornstein? Does Stewart just miss him? Is he giving his BFF some tips for success?"

Lynn Anderson said...

When Bornstein starts attending NA meetings, you can be sure that it is all for a political reason.

Anonymous said...

Well, he came and wasn't on the agenda either, so maybe it is for political reasons too. You might be right Lynn. Personally, I think that the commissioner of the district of the NA and the CM and mayor should come to ALL NA meetings in the city each month and hear our concerns and DO MORE for the city and people. If they really cared, they would. He sounds concerned, just wish his actions spoke louder and that he responded better to the public when they call or email. The CM needs to do more to clean up this city, it is a mess, so blighted and crime infested, a very lawless place, almost like another country or something foreign. Why can't he do more?