Thursday, September 17, 2020

Quote of the Day - Pastor Mike Olive

As posted on Omari Hardy's Facebook page regarding his cat fight at the city commission meeting this past Tuesday with Mayor Pam Triolo

"Real mayors have real feelings. Real mayors have loved ones. Real mayors have emotions. Real mayors are human. Real mayors have a job. Real mayors are not perfect. Real mayors are people.

Maybe we all should treat others the way we would like to be treated? Maybe encourage one another and strengthen one another instead of tearing one another apart? I would vote for a real politician like that.

~Pastor Mike Olive
Common Ground Church


Anonymous said...

Real pastors stay out of politics.

Lynn Anderson said...

Get a grip!

Anonymous said...

Omari Hardi says he's a Christian but acts like he's a pagan.

Anonymous said...

That;s not true 10:34. Ir's obvious you know less than nothing about the Christian Martyrs. Do you think Politics is a new phenomenon? What about Bonhoeffer? What about Savonarola? Two examples of pastors who were Executed for their involvement in politics. What about Beckett?

Anonymous said...

anony at 10:34, you need to tell that to the black pastors in the Osborne area that Omari got all riled up about black lives matter and racism.

Anonymous said...

Real Christians EVERYWHERE damn well better get political! Christians are under attack, both spiritually and physically everywhere around the world. Leftists and their terrorist enforcers,Antifa and BLM, want to shut down and intimidate every person of faith in America.Do you idiots really think it's a coincidence that churches are shut down while abortion clinics are still open???
Leaders of faith in America have grown soft and corrupt and there is a reckoning going on now!

Anonymous said...

Yes, since we seem unable to go forward, why don't we go back to the Knights of the Round Table. Chivalry is not dead! It has only taken a few centuries off.