Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Incoherent Joe

Biden: Covid ‘Has Taken More Than 100 Year, Look, Here’s, the Lives, It’s Just, Think About It’

"If the Trump campaign doesn’t make a commercial from this Biden speech, somebody needs to be fired. This is classic Joe in all his bumbling glory – and it is excellent.

And by “excellent,” I mean awful.

And by “awful,” I mean HAHAHAHAHA!"

Read about bumbling Joe


Anonymous said...

i agree with PRESIDENT TRUMP check biden for drugs

Anonymous said...

"According to the draft bulletin, analysts determined with “high confidence” that “Russian malign influence actors are likely to continue denigrating presidential candidates through allegations of poor mental or physical health to influence the outcome of the 2020 election.”

How does it feel to be doing Putin's work for him, comrade?

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:33. The DHS is not going to release information that is not verified. They are not going to release anything that is a rumor. They are NOT fake news media--ABC News, CNN or MSNBC.

Anonymous said...

It's "high confidence," Lynn.

Read the article because your comment clearly shows you haven't.

Putin loves folks like you who will help him do his handiwork against America.

Lynn Anderson said...

"high confidence" --yes because it had not been fully vetted.
I have extremely high confidence that Democrats are all handicapped with brainwashing and watching too much CNN and The View.
The ONLY people trying to bring down America are people who believe in the crap. Check out Portland and all the other cities where your friends have caused violence and billions of dollars.
China is our biggest enemy so look into that country and Iran as well as NK that want sleepy Joe to win.

Anonymous said...

Joe appears to have long term effects of alcohol and Kamie grins like a pothead.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Russia wants trump and China wants biden.

That makes biden better?

I think if the dems would release the real plan, they may get more voters. Who is going to run the country? Who will be the real VP? When biden is put to bed, who is in charge?