Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Lake Worth commission keeps screwing up our city!

In front of City Hall last evening

See WPEC 12

And speaking of screwing up our city, this commission passed both items under Public Hearings: Quasi Judicial Ordinance 2019-15 with the vote remaining the same as the First Hearing, 4/1 with Robinson dissenting, upzoning the 3 parcels on Golfview to Commercial zoning therefore instantly making the property more valuable and desirable for developers and greedy owners.


the appeal of the Historic Preservation's Board recommendation of demolishing and/or moving 7 historic homes to ready the properties for a huge concrete retail building. The city administration believes that development is the desired goal to increase our city's tax base. They have wanted this growth for years thus changing the flavor of our city forever.

The chamber was packed with those supporting the Appeal and a few Realtors wanting to see the properties razed to the ground. Being a retired real estate broker, this was an embarrassment to me personally as you could see it was all about greed. The Mayor said the hearing was not about historic cottages when in fact that is exactly what it was about. The commission was only to consider the evidence that was presented at the HRPB not the fact that their decision was arbitrary and capricious. Go to 1:40 into the meeting.

This commission and city manager are all about handing over our city to developers, something we have been fighting for decades. Residents are not against development as the mayor indicated. We are for preserving our city and historic properties and not handing it over on a silver platter to every developer who comes along, willingly changing the zoning for them. We don't want to look like Delray. The problem is that these elected officials never listen to the people...never.

Time for Term Limits and time to vote them all out.


Unknown said...

I'm a bit confused as to what the mission of the Historic Resources Preservation Board really is. It's name implies preserving historic sites like these cottages. Their action here seems quite the opposite.

The commission seemed to also say that this Council meeting had nothing to do with the cottages marked for destruction. Huh?? That it had to do only with the PROCESS of the HRPB. For those of us(most citizens) who can't possibly attend every meeting of every board does this mean they view the citizens of Lake Worth as totally irrelevant if not a direct witness to the prior meeting at HRPB? At least we could speak. Didn't help, but I love that people came out. I'm ready to be a Raging Granny.

Much of what I heard last night I found very disturbing: that the "highest and best use" of properties pertains only to $$$$. That development is the objective, period. Nothing is planned yet. That taxes and developers easily trump residences where we live, and that is necessary for progress. That zoning is apparently something easily changed. I wonder how safe my own home is since I intend to live here till I kick off. I would hate to move, yet I do need to live someplace I consider stable. I don't want to be forced out at 80 or 90.

Lake Worth does have a history of dirty dealing in the dark against the will of the people. Rodney Romano was booted out of office for this. This commission changed their terms to 3 years making elections less frequent. Also doubled their salaries. And in a recent election 3 members ran as one entity, moving forward, with campaign contributions totaling $135,000; for a position then paying $14,000. They want to make park leases (presumably including beach) for 30 years so improvements and borrowing are easier, I guess for those building in our parks?? Like Hudson Holdings?? Privatize? Permanent homes suddenly become Down Town zoned if a neighbor requests it who admittedly has connections with most making the decision. Shouldn't ethics demand recusal when making decisions in favor of those who have given $$ to the same commissioners? Is is all different when it is city commission??

We recently changed our name to Lake Worth Beach by a narrow margin. I really hope we don't become just another developer haven, overbuilt, crowded, lacking the charm of Lake Worth, and Gentrifying to the point that the Lake Worth we love becomes just a memory. Can anyone challenge the almighty power of developers when the "highest and best use" of an historic, charming, quirky, artistic community of cottages is distilled down to only money to be made?

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:43--Thanks so much for your detail and your opinion in your commentary on what happened.
I asked Scott Maxwell last night why the commission kept screwing up for Lake Worth. He didn't answer.
This is all so obvious as to what they are doing. It's the "why" of it I don't fully understand.
Someone on Facebook said it was a corrupt commission.

kkss21 said...

The new norm Is that three neighbors can now get together and screw an entire neighborhood. Term limits NOW !

Unknown said...

Maybe those who wish our Lake Worth to remain true to it's character should begin searching and encouraging new candidates to run for office. Any takers??