Saturday, August 1, 2015

Caught up in the Rapture

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Remember that song by Anita Baker...Caught up in the Rapture? "When we met, I always knew. I would feel the magic for you."  Well Mayor Triolo feels no magic with some of the people. She doesn't have the power to  influence the course of all events. She opens her mouth and screams and is a bully.
"We can sit here and name call...but it's about our financial future....Again, we talked about 'respectful'."

Actually what it's about is the mayor's low tolerance for a different opinion--she prefers to call them "lies" as does the local news editor and that entire political machine. It is their strategy to influence the electorate.  It's like, "how dare you question me or ask why"...I know best...I'm the mayor for gosh sakes and "you're not going to tell me what I can or can not say," as she screamed over Commissioner McVoy.

Maybe Channel 5 was influenced to remove that screaming segment out of their video but it's for the world to see at 


Anonymous said...

I was there and heard it all. Is she ok? Medically speaking I mean.

Anonymous said...

Message to Hudson Holdings- get the FUC$ out of our town.
Message to Scott ,Pam and Andy -Bye bye.
Message to Mike Bornstein-good luck EVER finding another job when the citizens of Lake Worth get done with you.

Anonymous said...

At what time was she screaming in vid? Time & sec

Lynn Anderson said...

You want the second too? LOL
as I recall, it was right after the 1:21 mark or thereabouts.

Anonymous said...

Yah i just only wanted that section of it.