Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Quote of the Day - Glenn Beck

“Is this who we are? Because I promise you, I promise you, in time, we will all regret this. If we turn our back on the giver of all that is good, we will regret it. Let’s mock God. Let’s deny his existence. Let’s treat Christianity the same as satanic temples. Let’s go ahead and do that. I reject you. I reject a nation that follows that. And I reject Satan.”

~ Glenn Beck

Speaking about the recent atheist, Preston Smith, who gave the invocation at Lake Worth City Hall and the subsequent walk-out by the City Commissioners.

You know you've hit big time when Lake Worth is mentioned on the Glenn Beck show. The story has been picked up by the Palm Beach Post, Channel 5, Sun Sentinel, Broward New Times to name a few with over 11,000 hits on YouTube. Maybe we'll get some God-fearing tourists out of this publicity. Or maybe the government will send in Eric Holder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glenn. Glenn, calm down now. We all reject Satan except satanists.