Sunday, September 24, 2023

Thugs with guns drawn Ambush man in driveway

Jarring Surveillance Footage Captures The Moment Thugs Ambushed Man In His Driveway

Thugs in Democrat held cities taking over

Surveillance footage captured the terrifying moment that a group of armed thugs ambushed a wealthy investor in his Dallas driveway.

Mark Gardner, a 73-year-old resident of the affluent city, had just pulled into his $1.1 million home in his BMW when three armed men surrounded his car, brandishing their weapons. The incident, caught on tape, showcases the frightening reality of rampant crime in cities run by Democratic leadership.

In an interview with WFAA-TV News, Gardner recounted the harrowing experience. “Never did I think something like this would happen,” he said. “This is where they took the butt of the gun and kept pounding it, ‘Give it up! Give it up!’.”

Gardner quickly instructed his stepson, who was with him in the car, to call his wife and tell her to hide in the house. He himself called the police, while the armed men continued to bang on his car windows.

This is happening in liberal strongholds. Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson announced Friday that he is switching parties and will serve as a Republican-affiliated mayor of the blue-leaning city.

He's sick of the crime and says, “The future of America’s great urban centers depends on the willingness of the nation’s mayors to champion law and order and practice fiscal conservatism. Our cities desperately need the genuine commitment to these principles (as opposed to the inconsistent, poll-driven commitment of many Democrats) that has long been a defining characteristic of the GOP.”


Anonymous said...

Thank God we don't have anything like that here in lake worth

Anonymous said...

Fort Worth, Fresno, Mesa, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Bakersfield....these are all cities with Republican mayors.

Are you actually saying that there is no crime in these cities? Or that people don't get carjacked or even murdered in these places because of their Republican mayors?

Or is it that you just don't choose to show the crime because "this is a conservative blog" and it's your main mission in life to make Democrats look as awful as possible?

Lynn Anderson said...

The Heritage Foundation:
2022--the top three cities with the highest homicide rates include Chicago, with 304 homicides; Philadelphia, with 240 homicides; and New York, with 197 homicides, the report said.

The report also highlighted that 27 of the top 30 cities with the highest murder rates as of June 2022 were run by Democratic mayors, except for Lexington, Kentucky, and Jacksonville, Florida, which are run by Republican mayors, and Las Vegas, which has an independent mayor.

Anonymous said...

Make democrats look as awful as possible?

I think democrats are doing a fine job doing that all by themselves.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so damn hard for MAGA types to source their info? Cut and paste a link, for gods sake. Sheesh.

Also, just read Trump said he wasn't running for president any longer. No link provided.

You'll just have to believe me I guess.

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:53...Who said we have to write this blog under your criteria? Take a hike!