Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sunset 7-31-24

45 minutes later--

Trump rally tonight in Pennsylvania

Watch Trump Rally Live!

6pm ET tonight

Live coverage begins of President Trump’s rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Speech start time expected at 7pm ET

"Kamala Harris would be worse than Joe Biden in the Oval Office"

J.D. Vance lowered the boom on Kamala Harris with one brutal fact

J.D. Vance is settling into his attack dog role as Donald Trump’s running mate.

Now he’s hitting the campaign trail running.

And J.D. Vance lowered the boom on Kamala Harris with brutal facts.

“She signed up for every single one of Joe Biden’s failures, and she lied about his mental capacity to serve as President,” Vance said. “Our country has been saddled for three and a half years with a President who cannot do the job, and that is all because Kamala Harris and the rest of the Democrats lied about his ability to be our President.”

“I think we’re gonna kick ’em all out come November and replace them with some people who care about this country,” said Vance.


Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

Trump Slams Paris Olympics, Vows to Bring Back Values for 2028

"The former president, who is known for his strong stance on religious values, expressed his disapproval towards the use of Christian symbolism in a disrespectful manner.

“We won’t be having a Last Supper as portrayed the way they portrayed it the other night,” he said. “I mean, they can do certain things. I thought it was terrible.”

He clarified that he is open-minded towards all communities, but he believes that the organizers went too far in their depiction of The Last Supper.

Trump’s criticism of the ceremony was relatively mild compared to the scathing words of British TV personality Piers Morgan.

In an Op-Ed for the New York Post, Morgan condemned the organizers for their “flagrant” insult towards 2.4 billion Christians worldwide. He also pointed out the double standard in allowing such a portrayal of Christianity while other religions would not have been treated in the same manner.

“Not that you would realize it if you heard the verdict of America’s first lady Jill Biden — who was in attendance — and said the opening ceremony was ‘spectacular … every step of the way,’” I guess she went to Paris on AirForce 2.


The Communist running on the Democrat ticket

The Mask Comes Off: Kamala Harris Brags About Being A Communist

During her time in the Senate, Kamala Harris was rated as the most liberal senator – EVEN MORE SO than the socialist Bernie Sanders – and the reason for that is that she is a full-blown communist!

Harris has talked a lot about the term “equity” and according to her the goal of equity is to ensure that “everyone ends up in the same place” – AKA, communism.

Anytime that Kamala says the word “equity” she’s using it as a more palatable substitute for the word communism.

With that in mind Harris has repeatedly said that she is “proud of the fact that equity (communism) is one of her guiding principles” and bragged about her plans to “put equity (communism) firmly at the center of her economic policy.”

Read more about Communist Kamala

God, she's left of Bernie Sanders!


Wisconsin GOP: Democrat Party changing direction

After months of hiding the mental acuity of President Joe Biden, the Democrat Party has been forced to change direction for the upcoming 2024 election.

Biden has officially stepped down, and Vice President Kamala Harris has officially stepped into the role of nominee, despite there being no primary election. Despite being tied to the Biden Administration’s disastrous term, Kamala’s record speaks to inability to lead the nation.

Here are just a few of her highlights as Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President:
  • In 2021, President Biden tasked Vice President Harris with overseeing immigration policy and securing the Southern border. Three years later, it’s safe to say that her oversight has facilitated the largest border crisis in United States history. As hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants poured into the United States, Kamala continued to assert that the Southern Border was secure.
  • Moreover, Harris openly stated that she wants to decriminalize illegal border crossings.
  • As Attorney General, Harris was incredibly soft-on-crime, and in 2020, Kamala praised the ‘defund the police’ movement and helped raise money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, an organization that raised money to bail criminals out of jail.
  • Kamala has also vowed to ban fracking and committed herself and her campaign to Green New Deal initiatives.
  • In 2019, Harris also supported single-payer healthcare and Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare For All' policy.

Google Election Interference?

Google Accused of Trump “Election Interference” After Autocomplete Omissions

Google has long been blasted over its alleged liberal bias. Critics claim the tech giant favors left-leaning perspectives. Reports and internal documents suggest Google’s algorithms and content moderation deliberately suppress content that challenges the liberal narrative. This bias is said to affect search results, news rankings, and YouTube demonetization.

Controversy grew during the 2016 and 2020 U.S. elections. Google was accused of influencing public opinion. The company allegedly prioritized certain news sources and viewpoints.

Employees claim the internal culture favors a liberal ideology. Conservative opinions are reportedly marginalized. The company has tried, in the past, to claim this was not the case. It has even faced scrutiny from congressional leaders.

But it seems Google has not learned its lesson. Because X users have posted screenshots showing the search engine censoring out a major historical moment. And it has everything to do with the Republican candidate for president, Donald Trump.

Read about it...

Google has had time to change its algorithims as I just Googled it and it comes up for me.


The video Elon Musk dropped on X for all you non X users. This is hilarious...

Joe Biden Blindsided

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Evening Sky 7-30-24

Democrats attempt to deflect Kamala's role as Border Czar

Fox News Rips Buttigieg, Suggests Lives Could Have Been Saved Without Illegal Immigrants

Fox News host Shannon Bream did not hold back during her recent interview with Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

The topic? Illegal migrant crime in the United States, a contentious issue that has been pushed to the forefront of national debates.

As Democrats continue to downplay Vice President Kamala Harris’ role as border czar amidst the ongoing migrant crisis, Bream took it upon herself to challenge Buttigieg on the matter during “Fox News Sunday.”

During their discussion, Buttigieg tried to shift the focus towards the Republican National Convention (RNC) and their messaging on immigrant crime. However, Bream was quick to push back, pointing out that if these individuals were not in the country illegally, “people would still be alive.”

Read about it...

Why is it that Democrats twist the truth on everything?

The Fake News Media

The radical left and mainstream media are already working to erase Kamala Harris' disastrous record as vice president

The latest move comes from Axios, which is reportedly deleting past comments about her being the “border czar.”

Over on the big search engine, just Google Trump a$$assination and you get – squat. Google is already suppressing searches on the “assassination attempt on TRUMP.” This is clearly an attempt to prevent political support for Donald Trump.

Google isn't just trying to memory hole the ass*ss*nation attempt, they're ALSO suppressing search results for simply searching President Donald Trump. No results come up and autofill.


Mark Kelly's spy balloon company funded by China Communist Party

Did Mark Kelly’s Ambition Boost China’s Balloon Fleet?

Before his tenure as a senator from Arizona, Kelly had an illustrious career as an astronaut and co-founder of World View, a company initially dedicated to space tourism.

However, recent reports indicate that Kelly's entrepreneurial focus shifted from celestial exploration to more terrestrial concerns.

Before serving on both the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Kelly launched a business that manufactures surveillance balloons. Notably, one of the company's significant investors has deep ties to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

Axios reported that shortly after World View was started, it received venture capital from Tencent in 2013, then again in 2016.

Tencent is one of China's largest corporations, and it was founded in 1998 by “Pony” Ma Huateng, Zhang Zhidong, Xu Chenye, Chen Yidan and Zeng Liqing. Last year, “Pony” Ma Huateng was listed by Forbes as the fourth-richest man in China with a net worth of $32.1 billion. Ma is also the CEO of Tencent.


Czar Kamala Coddles Criminals

Harris under fire for putting violent criminals back on streets

Donald Trump is raising a serious problem with Kamala Harris, and EVERY American needs to hear about it.

When the truth comes out, there's a good chance that this issue could disqualify Harris from America's presidency in the minds of many voters.

This isn't some secret under-the-radar thing that Kamala Harris was doing, either.

She's never tried to hide her affiliation with the Freedom Fund.

Back in 2020, when BLM riots were burning American cities to the ground, Harris tweeted support for the rioters and asked Americans to donate to the fund to bail them out of jail.

In June 2020, Jaleel Stallings was charged with the attempted murder of two police officers during the 2020 riots. @KamalaHarris raised money to bail Stallings out of jail. Kamala Harris is radically liberal and dangerously incompetent.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) July 23, 2024


Venezuela Election Outcome - Changed in the dead of night

The country’s electoral authority announced Maduro win just after midnight on Monday

despite multiple exit polls which pointed to an opposition win.

The authority said opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez won 44% of the vote, though the opposition had earlier said it had “reasons to celebrate” and asked supporters to continue monitoring vote counts.

Maduro, appearing at the presidential palace before cheering supporters, said his reelection is a triumph of peace and stability and reiterated his campaign trail assertion that Venezuela’s electoral system is transparent.

A poll from Edison Research, known for its polling of U.S. elections, had predicted in an exit poll that Gonzalez would win 65% of the vote, while Maduro would win 31%.[]

Read about it...

A big part of socialism is the Central planning and regulations to ensure equal distribution of wealth and fair provision of goods. Does this describe the anointed Democrat Nominee?

Harris gives voice to a leftist-progressive narrative about the importance of equity—equal outcomes—rather than mere equality before the law.

Elon on Kamala

Elon Musk said, "Imagine four years of this"

Monday, July 29, 2024

Evening Sky 7-29

Rasmussen Poll Trump/Harris

Rasmussen Poll

Election 2024: Trump 50%, Harris 43%

"Thursday, July 25, 2024

With Vice President Kamala Harris replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic Party candidate, former President

Donald Trump now leads by seven points in his bid to return to the White House.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, in a two-way match-up, 50% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Trump, while 43% would vote for Harris. Four percent (4%) say they’d vote for some other candidate and three percent (3%) are undecided."

Amendment 4, Vote No

Florida Court Rules Amendment 4 Financial Impact Statement Can Stand as Written

On July 25, the Florida First District Court of Appeals ruled that the financial impact statement dealing with Amendment 4 is appropriate and will stand as written.

In the state of Florida, all ballot initiatives must have a financial impact statement to properly inform voters of the cost to the state and the taxpayers. On June 10, Circuit judge John Cooper ruled that the outdated information in the financial impact statement “renders it inaccurate, ambiguous, misleading, unclear and confusing.”

The appeals court disagreed.

The financial impact statement reads as follows:
“The proposed amendment would result in significantly more abortions and fewer live births per year in Florida. The increase in abortions could be even greater if the amendment invalidates laws requiring parental consent before minors undergo abortions and those ensuring only licensed physicians perform abortions. There is also uncertainty about whether the amendment will require the state to subsidize abortions with public funds. Litigation to resolve those and other uncertainties will result in additional costs to the state government and state courts that will negatively impact the state budget. An increase in abortions may negatively affect the growth of state and local revenues over time. Because the fiscal impact of increased abortions on state and local revenues and costs cannot be estimated with precision, the total impact of the proposed amendment is indeterminate."
While we mostly agree with the statement, the following portion doesn’t go far enough: “(if) the amendment invalidates laws requiring parental consent before minors undergo abortions.”

Let me be clear, there is no “IF” about invalidating Parental Consent laws. They will absolutely be nullified and parents will not have the right to consent to their minor girl’s abortion. The only reason Parental Notification remains intact is because it’s in our constitution.

If amendment 4 were to pass, we would have abortion through birth with no limitations, no parental consent, and no health care standards. The only portion of the amendment that is clear is when they state the following: “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay or restrict abortion…” [FloridaRightToLife]

Hunter's lawyers lied to the Judge

Judge Warns of Sanctions Against Hunter Biden's Lawyers in Federal Tax Case

In a stern legal development, U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi has threatened to impose sanctions on Hunter Biden’s attorneys following inaccuracies in their legal filings.

Scarsi expressed concern over false claims made by Biden's legal team which could translate into possible sanctions against the attorneys, as The Hill reports.

According to reports, the lawyers inaccurately stated that U.S. Attorney David Weiss had not initiated charges against Hunter Biden before being appointed as special counsel. This was called into question by the factual timeline, risking their legal standing and integrity.

Scarsi refuted their claims, noting that Weiss was still a U.S. attorney when he brought the charges against Hunter Biden, which occurred before he was appointed special counsel. This significant detail underscores federal protocols and the accuracy required in legal representations.

Read about it...

Getting out the Facts

Kamala Harris ad on her "achievements"

This week, a prominent Senate GOP candidate provided a strategic blueprint for opposing Kamala Harris’s ascent and potentially thwarting her presidential ambitions.

Dave McCormick, the Pennsylvania GOP Senate nominee running against Democrat Senator Bob Casey, launched a scathing attack ad against Harris that has garnered widespread attention in the political sphere.

The ad features Harris advocating for extremely socialist and alarming policies in our country.

Trump Disavows Project 25

Trump Disavows Project 2025: Calls Some Of Conservative Group’s Ideas ‘Absolutely Ridiculous And Abysmal’

This morning in the liberal far-left rag, The Palm Beach Post, had a glaring headline, all caps, bold and in red so that you couldn't miss the liberal propaganda against Project 25, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.

It was put out by the Democrat Party Chair, Nikki Fried and probably every left-wing rag in Florida received it if not every newspaper owned by Gannett Corporation.

Of course, Democrats goal is to bring down Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis and connect them to this Project.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank that fights for America's liberty, limited government, and national defense. Obviously Conservatives agree to many of their suggestions, beliefs and values.

Trump said in a Truth Social post he has “no idea who is behind” Project 2025, adding he disagrees with some of the project’s proposals for the next GOP administration and “some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.”

Trump went on to say: “Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.” Liberal Fact-checkers say this is "false." Of course they do.

Project 2025, spearheaded by the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank, has been associated with Trump because 2 of its 29 directors served in Trump’s administration and liberals have taken the ball and running it to all four corners of our country. 

Democrats do that.

The Biden Coup - Passing the Torch

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Evening Sky 7-28


Trump Rallies get increased Security

Increased Security at Trump Rally Following Iranian Threat Concerns

"The recent campaign rally for former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, turned tragic when an assassination attempt took place amidst raised security alerts.

According to AP, on July 13, 2024, an attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump during his rally led to heightened security measures across political events.

Adrienne Watson, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, emphasized the severity of these threats stemming from Iran's vendetta.

"These threats arise from Iran’s desire to seek revenge for the killing of Qassem Soleimani. We consider this a national and homeland security matter of the highest priority," stated Adrienne Watson. The ongoing threats have influenced the security measures around Trump and other officials of his administration."

"I love the Secret Service," said Joe.


Kamala is in the "honeymoon" stage -Trump leading in polls

NY Times Poll: Majority of Registered Voters Say Trump ‘Will Bring About the Right Kind of Change’

Kamala is getting all the hype right now...soon to calm down

The latest poll conducted by the left-wing New York Times reveals a striking shift in public opinion regarding former President Donald Trump.

A significant majority of registered voters now perceive Trump as a catalyst for transformative change, representing an unexpected development given the source of the survey and the evolving perception of Trump as a change agent.

This revelation serves as a poignant reminder of the electorate’s fervent desire to veer away from the trajectory set over the past three years, signifying a profound yearning for a different national direction.

Breitbart News has reported on this pivotal development, accentuating the findings of the New York Times/Siena College poll.

Read more about it...

Arrested. Indicted. Shot. But still standing.

Trump haters continue to throw everything at Trump to take him out

Every single thing they’ve tried has failed

"Donald Trump is leading in the polls.

Americans are fed up with Biden and his cronies.

Donald Trump loves America and is determined to Make America Great Again.

And on Election Day, the American people will go to the polls and cast their votes to put Trump back in the White House where he belongs."


And I get a kick out of people who blame the divisiveness in our country today on Republicans when they are the haters and saying "there was never the intense hatred of government employees and our government that I'm seeing today after the shooting. It's sad. But it's reflective of what 50% of America has become." They are not being honest as to why Republicans are rejecting the political lies.

When Biden said that Making America Great Again Republicans are a threat to democracy, it is understandable why Republicans would reject his hatred. Or when Kamala said, “We refuse to let extremist, so-called Republican leaders dismantle our democracy."

Neither Biden nor Kamala showed up for (the most powerful political figure in Israel and an ally to the United States) Benjamin Netyanyahu's speech before Congress and more than 50 Democrats boycotted it.

Peter Strzok says privacy rights violated--gets $1.2 million from the DOJ

US Government Agrees to Pay Peter Strzok $1.2 Million in Lawsuit Settlement

The Justice Department agreed to pay former FBI special agent Peter Strzok a $1.2 settlement over the release of his anti-Trump text messages.

Peter Strzok sued the DOJ for ‘unlawfully disclosing’ his text messages to his paramour Lisa Page.

Strzok and Lisa Page discussed an “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of office.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office…that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected…but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok text messaged to Page in an Aug. 15, 2016 exchange, referring to Andrew McCabe.

Read about it...

This government is so damn stupid!

Bennie Thompson proposes bill that could affect Trump's Secret Service Protection

Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act

Now that Republicans are calling for his removal from the committee investigating the assassination attempt, the Democrat is downplaying how the bill would threaten the former president's safety.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., introduced the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act in April, which would revoke Secret Service protection for those sentenced following conviction for a federal or state felony with a prison term.

Thompson's less-than-200-word bill states that if the convicted felon's offense is "punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year," regardless of the actual sentence, the person's Secret Service protection is terminated.

In May, a New York jury found Trump guilty of 34 felony counts. The former president was convicted for allegedly falsifying business records in violation of New York Penal Law §175.10, the penalty for which can be up to four years in jail.

Democrats are such jokers and will do anything to make Trump's life difficult.

The Bill



Understanding Kamala

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Evening Sky 7-27-24

Trump Minnesota Rally

Watch Trump Rally Live! 7pm ET tonight in St/ Cloud, Minnesota

Donald Trump is taking his campaign back to Minnesota, a state that has favored Democrats but that the former president thinks could be in his reach this year.

Trump is set to hold a rally Saturday night in St. Cloud, Minnesota, this time bringing along his running mate JD Vance and the expectation Trump will face Vice President Kamala Harris in November instead of President Joe Biden. He plans to speak at a bitcoin conference in Nashville, Tennessee, earlier in the day.

Coverage begins of President Trump’s rally in St. Cloud, Minnesota, with speech start time expected at 8pm ET.

Kamala announcement met with silence

Schumer Asks For Applause For Harris Gets Hit With Brutal Silence- TWICE

The apparent lack of support for Kamala Harris in her quest to ascend to the presidency was made evident by the response of an audience to Senator Chuck Schumer’s begs for applause.

Schumer, along with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, formally announced their endorsement of Harris during a joint press conference on Tuesday.

However, despite the enthusiasm of the two former holdouts, the response from the crowd was anything but enthusiastic.

As Schumer declared, “Today, in Wisconsin and across America we begin our next chapter, and it will be our best yet,” he received a deafening silence in response to his passionate appeal for Harris.

It was then that the senator asked for “Applause?” only to be met with continued silence.

Similarly, Jeffries’ own endorsement, delivered with equal fervor and confidence, also failed to elicit any response from the crowd.

Crooks was a brainwashed Commie

Shooter’s Social Media Account Found and He Was a Leftwing Commie Biden Supporter

Not that it will surprise anyone, but the first concrete evidence that Donald Trump’s would-be assassin was a Joe Biden supporter has emerged.

The CEO of social media platform, Andrew Torba, announced that he has discovered an account linked to Matthew Crooks, the man who shot President Trump on July 13th.

The contents of the account show that Crooks was a brainwashed commie Joe Biden supporter. This in no way suggests that this was Crooks’ sole motivation in shooting Trump, however, and we still need a full investigation to figure out who helped him carry out the attack.


Trump Rally in Nashville today

Trump Speaks at Bitcoin 2024 Conference in Nashville, Tennesee

When: Saturday, July 27, 2024
Time: 2:00 pm ET (3:00 pm CT)
Where: Music City Center in Nashville, TN

Kamala and Democrats boycott Netanyahu

Kamala Boycotts Netanyahu, Abandons American Hostages

Shameful Political Stunt Could Cost Lives

While the United States still has five American hostages being held by the Hamas butchers in Gaza, Vice President Harris, now running for President, boycotted the upcoming speaking event hosting Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, the leader of our greatest ally in the Middle East and the chief defender of the hostages we are trying to free.

Massive swarms of protestors occupied the rotunda of the Cannon House, and some arrests were made.

Many Democrats did not attend the speech, and Vice President Harris did not co-preside over the joint meeting with House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Mike Johnson, noting the inappropriateness of a senator stepping in for Harris, stated, “It’s, to me, unconscionable that Kamala Harris is denying that responsibility and boycotting the event.” The last time a rank-and-file senator stood in for a vice president was in 1989.


Secret Service purposely failed

'Secret Service said no': Agents REFUSED drones before Trump shooting, whistleblower says

'The American people deserve answers about your historic failure'

The United States Secret Service refused an offer to use drones from local law enforcement in Butler, Pennsylvania, at former President Donald Trump's campaign rally July 13, according to a whistleblower.

U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., shared a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas with the allegation on Thursday.

He noted the FBI probe of the scene included evidence Trump's shooter, 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, used his own drone to survey the rally site just two hours before Trump took the stage.

"The failure to deploy drone technology is all the more concerning since, according to the whistleblower, the drones USSS was offered had the capability not only to identify active shooters but also to help neutralize them."

Read more about it...

Morning Sky 7-27-24

Reporter asks Domestic Terrorists if they have a job

Pro-Palestinian protesters blocked roads and surrounded the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. on Wednesday.

JayWalk Journalism's Matt Miller asked them if they had jobs and if they were skipping work... they didn't like that very much.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Sunset 7-26-24

Bomber Intercept off of Alaska

US Intercepts Russian and Chinese Bombers Off Alaska Coast

Enemy Bombers took off right after Biden's 13 minute speech

"The U.S. military intercepted several Russian and Chinese bombers in international airspace near the coast of Alaska Wednesday.

Two Russian Tu-95s and two Chinese H-6s entered what is known as the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, North American Aerospace Defense Command said in a statement Wednesday night.

The aircraft were “detected, tracked and intercepted,” NORAD said. They remained in the Alaska ADIZ and did not enter U.S. airspace.

The bombers were intercepted by U.S. F-16 and F-35 fighter jets, along with Canadian CF-18s and other support aircraft, a U.S. defense official confirmed to CBS News."


Kamala the Border Czar

Kamala Harris’ controversy on Border Czar moniker

Presidential campaign is less than five days old, but it is already entangled in controversy over her performance as the nation’s “border czar.” With nearly 10 million illegal aliens having crossed the border since 2021, Harris and her media allies appear keen to distance her from the immigration policy of her own administration.

On Wednesday, the Trump campaign directly called out those efforts, accusing the Harris campaign of trying to downplay her role in the crisis.

“Her neglect and incompetence opened the floodgates to nearly 10 million un-vetted illegals and an explosion of migrant crime,” the campaign said in a statement. “Including the brutal murders of Rachel Morin, Laken Riley, and countless other women who have suffered directly from the Harris-Biden open border bloodbath.”

Several left-leaning news outlets this week have attempted to run cover for Harris, publishing articles rejecting the use of the “border czar” moniker.

Axios and NBC News, among others, have argued that the title was invented by Republicans to mock the Vice President. This criticism is new, however, as many of those same outlets previously used the moniker in their own reporting.

House passes bipartisan resolution strongly condemning ‘border czar’ Kamala Harris--

Secret Service demands Trump end outdoor Rallies

Secret Service plan for Trump 'would smack of election interference'

'Deep State' demanding GOP presidential candidate stop his trademark outdoor rallies

The "Deep State," now using the U.S. Secret Service to attack President Donald Trump's 2024 campaign, has warned him to stop doing his trademark campaign event: a large outdoor rally where thousands, even tens of thousands, come to hear him.

The Washington Post said, "Secret Service officials encouraged Donald Trump's campaign to stop scheduling large outdoor rallies and other outdoor events with big crowds after the assassination attempt on the former president in Butler, Pa., according to people familiar with the matter."

It was the U.S. Secret Service that failed, in a long list of ways, to provide protection for Trump at that rally, where a 20-year-old sniper climbed on top of a nearby building to take shots at the GOP nominee, nicking his ear.

The attack apparently could have been fatal except that Trump turned his head to look at a chart at the exact second the shot was fired.


They did the same thing in 2020 because of social distancing for Covid. I guess they just can't do their jobs. One of their jobs is to protect former presidents such as Donald Trump.

The Secret Service employs approximately 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and more than 2,000 other technical, professional and administrative support personnel.

Christopher Wray Testifies before Judiciary

FBI Director Says Gunman Flew Drone Near Stage Hours Before Trump Shooting

Wray discloses new details on the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the shooting at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania

Here is the latest--
  • Wray Confirms Shooter’s Parents Reported Him Missing
  • Crooks Bought Ammo Hours Before Shooting
  • Wray: Crooks Bought Rifle From Father
  • FBI Director Says Trump Shooter Searched Details of Lee Harvey Oswald and JFK Assassination
  • Crooks use a gun with a collapsable stock and that he accessed the roof of the building by climbing, not with a ladder.
  • Crooks Believed to Have Visited Gun Range Day Before Shooting

  •  Read more details...

    Christopher Wray handled the hearing before the Judiciary Committee very well but will we ever know all the facts of that day

FBI Connection to Assassination Attempt?

Emerging Evidence Suggests Possible FBI Connection to Alleged Attack on President Trump

Unsettling Findings: The Plot Thickens in the Trump Assassination Attempt

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has dropped a bombshell, unveiling a report that hints at a potential link between the FBI and Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man accused of attempting to assassinate former President Trump.

The nature of this connection remains unclear, but the Oversight Project’s meticulous study of mobile ad data has unearthed some disturbing patterns.

A phone associated with Crooks was detected near an FBI office in Washington D.C., back in 2023. This information was gleaned from the Oversight Project’s expert analysis of devices once located at Crook’s residence and workplace.

Their deep dive into mobile ad data traced these devices’ movements, revealing visits to specific locations – one of which was alarmingly close to an FBI office. This raises serious questions about potential FBI involvement in the assassination attempt.

“It is important to note that tracking a phone does not necessarily mean knowing who was using it at the time.”

While we must consider this cautionary note, the investigation by the Oversight Project has shed light on some deeply troubling connections. For instance, a device linked to Crooks was traced back to Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Additionally, multiple visits were recorded to Butler, Pennsylvania – eerily, the very place where Crooks fired shots at a campaign rally, killing one person and injuring three others, including former President Donald Trump himself.

Read more about the Heritage Foundation's Oversight project

Sunrise 7-26-24

Deborah Adeimy gets Palm Beach Post Endorsement

Deborah Adeimy running for Congress District 22 aginst Lois Frankel...


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sunset 7-25-24

Kamala, still Delusional

SCOTUS responds to Planned Parenthood case

Something MAJOR just happened at the Supreme Court

"Planned Parenthood aborts over 1,000 innocent babies and takes $1.9 million of our tax dollars every single day. It's responsible for about 40% of all abortions in America.

It's been caught selling the body parts of aborted babies. Now a groundbreaking case pending at the U.S. Supreme Court could allow states to defund the abortion industry. It could decimate Planned Parenthood.

At the ACLJ, we are aggressively engaged in numerous cases against the abortion industry – including filing to defund Planned Parenthood at the Supreme Court. We've also filed our own vital case at the Supreme Court that could save countless babies.

A city, which is unnamed, is trying to criminalize the lifesaving work of pro-life sidewalk counselors and throw them in jail to prevent them from saving babies from Planned Parenthood.

Yesterday the city finally responded after being ordered to by the Justices. Now our next Supreme Court deadline is looming.

As we battle the endless taxpayer-funded resources of the Biden-Harris Administration and Planned Parenthood at the Supreme Court, we need YOU."

Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel

Even Black Lives Matter has more Sense

Black Lives Matter blasts Dems as ‘Party of Hypocrites’ for ‘anointing’ Kamala Harris

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (“BLM”) slammed the Democratic Party for “anointing” Vice President Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

“Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites,” BLM’s X (formerly Twitter) account wrote in a post Tuesday.

The group indicated that just on Monday, one day after Biden dropped out of the race, sources reported that Harris had “secured enough delegates to be the Democratic Nominee.”

That night, as BLM recounted, Harris claimed to have “worked hard to ‘go out and earn this nomination’ as promised” the day before.

“A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of,” BLM stated. “We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.”

Read about BLM

Kamala is a failure

Kamala's first foreign trip as Vice President in June 2021

Kamala Harris was tasked with delivering a blunt message in Guatemala City. "I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border: Do not come," she said at a press conference, pausing for effect. "Do not come."

Three years later, that sound bite may come to haunt Harris' nascent presidential campaign. Despite her warning, border crossings reached historic highs during the Biden Administration.

Republican critics cast the episode as a symbol of Harris’s ineffective tenure as President Biden's "border czar," a misleading label they applied after she was charged with helming diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration from Central America to the U.S.

“Kamala had one job,” Nikki Haley told the crowd at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee last week. “One job. And that was to fix the border. Now imagine her in charge of the entire country.”

Read about it...

She's brought death and destruction all across our country with her far-left radical agenda.

China's invasion of Taiwan looms

China Intensifies Military Presence Near Taiwan Amidst Drills

According to Newsweek, tensions mounted over the weekend as a Chinese military drone circled Taiwan's airspace amidst Taiwan's largest-ever Han Kuang military exercises.

The maneuvers paralleled Taiwan’s efforts to ready itself against potential conflicts, framing a stark picture of the region’s strained dynamics.

As Taiwan began its comprehensive war games aimed at defending against a potential amphibious assault, its air force repositioned jets like the F-16V Fighting Falcons from western bases to eastern ones closer to the Philippine Sea. This move comes as the self-governing island, which China claims as its own, continues to assert its independence.

The presence of about a dozen Chinese aircraft and seven warships near Taiwan was reported over 24 hours up to early Tuesday morning. In monitoring the situation, Japan noted Chinese military activity transitioning from the South China Sea to the East China Sea, which emphasizes the escalation in regional military maneuvers.

Read more about it...

Now that Biden is a lame duck, China sees a great opportunity to invade Taiwan over the next six months.

Trump to speak in West Palm Beach on Friday

Trump will be speaking in West Palm Beach Friday

Here are the details

Turning Point Action announced that former President Donald Trump will be a special guest at The Believers Summit 2024, with his speech slated for 8 p.m. opening night, July 26, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

"At this crucial time in America, the Believers Summit is not just an event; it's a call for believers to rise in unity and biblical truth with an unshakeable faith. We are committed to empowering attendees with practical knowledge and strategies to live out their faith boldly and counteract the prevailing 'woke' narratives with grace, truth, and conviction, rooted in the Gospel," the organization's website stated.

Turning Point Action is a national non-profit that states its mission is "to embolden the conservative base through grassroots activism and provide voters with the necessary resources to elect true conservative leaders."

The three-day event will include other keynote speakers such as Dr. Ben Carson, George Janko and Frank Turek.

Tickets can be found at The Believers Summit website, with general admission listed for $75.


Kamala Rallies

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sunset 7-24-24

Trump Rally in Charlotte, North Carolina

Live now

Donald Trump to speak around 6pm

Kamala is Biden 2.0


Kamala Harris owns Joe Biden’s terrible record because it is her record as well

  • Rapid Inflation – As vice president, Harris was the deciding vote that allowed the $1.9 trillion “stimulus” to be passed; which even liberal economists call the “original sin” that fueled inflation.
  • The Border Invasion – Since Harris was named border czar, there have been close to 10 million illegal alien border crossings, constituting the worst border crisis in U.S. history.
  • Worldwide Chaos – The Biden-Harris administration emboldened Iran, surrendered Afghanistan, and refuses to confront China. Just like Biden, our adversaries don’t respect or fear Harris.
It’s a reality that Harris even admitted yesterday as she continues to defend their disastrous administration.

This has truly been the Biden-Harris administration – a partnership of willful incompetence that has wreaked disaster, chaos, and destruction. [TeamTrump]

DeSantis on Joe Biden

Ron DeSantis compared Joe Biden’s Presidency to this one classic movie

“Our enemies do not confine their designs to between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM,” he said. “We need a commander in chief who can lead 24 hours a day and seven days a week.”

But it was his next line that had Trump laughing out loud.

“America cannot afford four more years of a Weekend at Bernie’s presidency,” he said.

Weekend at Bernie’s is a dark comedy film that came out in 1989 where two friends pretend their boss is still alive by carrying around his dead corpse.

DeSantis was essentially calling Biden a walking corpse.

DESANTIS: “Let’s be honest here. Biden is just a figurehead. He’s a tool for imposing a leftist agenda on the American people.”


Well, America and the World only has 5.5 months left of Joe Biden. A lot can happen in that amount of time and we are guessing that he will pardon his criminal son.

Appeals Court rules Arizona residents must have proof of citizenship to vote

Federal Appeals Court allows voter citizenship checks in AZ

Former President Donald Trump is likely cheering over the latest news!

The U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that Arizona residents MUST provide proof of AMERICAN citizenship to vote. This decision has essentially disarmed liberals who have fought so heavily to bring illegal immigrants to the polls.

For years, liberals in Arizona have pushed for two things.

They have fought for policies that allow low-security voting methods and they have pushed illegal immigrants to believe that Republicans are hateful racists in order to secure their vote.

Arizona has always been a political battleground, and liberals know it. Trump knows it, too.

Now, this decision from the Court of Appeals may very well hand Arizona to Trump!

Read about it...

The Biden Health Scandal

The Biden health cover-up is a scandal to match Watergate

And while Cackling Kamala and her White House co-conspirators keep silent - here's when the full shaming truth will finally come out.

The failed coverup of Biden's patently dire condition discredits everyone close to his White House – including his Vice President.

Who do they think they're fooling?

By dropping out of the 2024 race, Biden has finally admitted that his age and his apparent decline prohibit him from fulfilling the job of president one day longer.

He wasn't even able to face the cameras to declare his withdrawal on Sunday, instead sending in his notice via a letter posted in a Tweet.

Even aged 96, Queen Elizabeth II showed up to greet a new British prime minister two days before she died.

It's also finally brought out once-loyal Democrats to admit what's been going on behind closed doors (though, of course, silent they stayed until it all threatened their own chances of winning).

Read about it...

Where's Joe?

The nation appears to be without a leader at this hour

Rumors flooding Washington, D.C. Conspiracy theories abound

"Joe Biden is the apparent victim of a bloodless coup led by leaders of the Democrat Party. The Commander in Chief may or may not be incapacitated. He has not been seen in public since last Wednesday."

There was a typed letter of resignation and a call into Kamala's campaign on Monday but who knows if it was really he?

"And on Capitol Hill – rage is boiling over after Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle deflected nearly every question posted by Republicans. Was there more than one gunman at President Trump’s rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania? Were agents given a stand down order. Was there a conspiracy against the former president?"


"Back in Delaware – it appears a real life version of House of Cards is unfolding – with Kamala Harris playing the role of Claire Underwood – a woman whose ascent to the highest office in the land – started in the lowest of positions – allegedly.

The New York Post reports that after the disastrous presidential debate, party bosses gave Biden a choice: either resign or be removed from office by the 25th Amendment.

“That debate was a set-up to convince Democrats that he couldn’t run for president,” the source said Monday.

Read Todd Starnes

7-24-24 Morning Clouds

Democrat approved School Text books

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sunset 7-23

Cracking down on China buying up our land

Ron DeSantis bans China from buying land near military bases in Florida

China has been scooping up real estate across the country this past decade

DeSantis signed into law Florida Senate Bill 264 which prohibited companies, governments, and individuals from “countries of concern” like China, Cuba, and Iran from buying property within 10 miles of a military base or a critical infrastructure.”

“Florida is taking action to stand against the United States’ greatest geopolitical threat — the Chinese Communist Party,” DeSantis said during the 2023 bill signing ceremony. “We are following through on our commitment to crack down on Communist China.

Now the Biden administration is waking up...I think.

The federal government is finally recognizing the seriousness of the threat

Secret Service Director's Horror Show

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Answers For Letting America Down

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle took responsibility Monday for security failures that led to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump but sidestepped several major questions in testimony before a visibly frustrated House oversight committee.

She never answered a direct question.

Many Congressmen on both sides of the isle called for her firing. Nancy Mace said that she was full of "shit."

Whistleblowers coming forward about the building where Shooter fired

One officer WAS assigned to roof at Trump rally, but abandoned post because of hot weather

Tucker Carlson: 'Things are totally out of control – they can do ANYTHING, and nobody can do anything about it'

Tucker Carlson further stated that "At this point government should be presumed guilty until proven innocent"

"Contrary to Director Cheatle's public statements about the 'safety' of the sloped roof of the American Glass Research Building 6, one whistleblower with direct knowledge of Secret Service planning for the event alleges that there was supposed to be law enforcement presence on the roof that day.

"In fact, the whistleblower alleges that at least one individual was specifically assigned to the roof for the duration of the rally, but this person abandoned his or her post due to the hot weather.

The whistleblower further alleges that concerns over the heat prompted law enforcement to forego patrolling Building 6 and instead to station personnel inside the building."

Josh Hawley's letter to Alejandro Mayorkas--Click to read.


Hunter Biden’s latest move just shot down the Democrats’ narrative and exposed what his father was doing

"Hunter Biden’s criminal and immoral behavior has been covered up by the liberal press for years.

The Democrat-controlled media have tried to explain away his indiscretions by claiming Hunter was a victim of addiction or a Russian plot.

But Hunter Biden just destroyed the Democrat narrative when he started doing this at the White House." He was Joe's closest adviser and confident and sat in on WhiteHouse meetings.

Now Joe has stepped down from running in 2024 and we can see why Joe wants to remain a lame duck--to pardon Hunter before he leaves office.



With the 2024 presidential race on the horizon and President Joe Biden stepping aside, Kamala Harris seems to be emerging as the top choice for the Democratic Party.

However, this shift is not just a minor adjustment—it’s a significant one. Kamala Harris, currently favored for the Democratic nomination, appears to be far from a qualified presidential candidate. Her past performance, coupled with her peculiar statements and inconsistencies, clearly illustrate why she may not be suited for the role.

Elon's AI really weird video

On X--The original Viral Matrix Trump Video (The Matrump) Straight off my hard drive. I am so glad you all love this. Thank you all for the support and Thank you so much...

Click here

Monday, July 22, 2024

Evening Sky 7-19

Kamala sides with Palestine

Kamala Harris’ record on Israel to the left of President Biden

The vice president has largely echoed the president’s view on Israel, but sounded a more sympathetic note to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza

While Vice President Kamala Harris has not yet earned the backing of Democratic leaders in Congress, she now looks like the presidential candidate to beat ahead of the party’s convention next month — bringing renewed attention to her record on issues of concern to the Jewish community, including her views on Israel and her record on speaking out against antisemitism.

In recent months, Harris has been a tougher critic of Israel than President Joe Biden, who frequently describes himself as a Zionist, and as a voice more sympathetic to the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza.

“She’ll certainly be making it clear, as we’ve said many times before, that we believe that Palestinian people need a vote and a voice in their future, and that they need governance in Gaza that will look after their aspirations and their needs,” White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said in December, describing the role an increasingly more visible Harris would play pertaining to the war in Gaza.


What she and John Kirby want to forget is that the Palestinians voted in Hamas to lead them. Hamas has governed the Gaza Strip in Palestine since its takeover of the region from rival party Fatah in June 2007.

Democrat godfathers give Biden an offer he can't refuse

Analyst claims Democrats have made 'Biden offer they hope he can't refuse'

Fox News's David Marcus recently outlined the offer that he believes Democratic Party leaders have presented to President Joe Biden.

Marcus did so in a piece, titled, Democrat godfathers make Biden offer they hope he can't refuse.

This comes as Biden continues to face growing calls - from within the Democratic Party - for him to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. The calls now include some of the party's top leaders, including U.S. House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and former President Barack Obama.

Biden, though, at the time of the writing, yesterday, is still refusing to step aside.

"For the bosses of the Democrat family, ending Biden’s political career is a three-step process. First, they ask him to leave, then they tell him to leave, and, finally, they threaten to destroy him if he won't wise up. We are almost at step three," he writes.

Read about the offer

Senators Demand DOJ give answers --Illegals registering to vote

Non-citizens voting...why?

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Bill Hagerty, Representative Andy Biggs and their colleagues in demanding answers from U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) efforts to prevent aliens from registering to vote in American elections.

This follows several recent reports revealing non-citizens registering to vote amid a record number of illegal border crossings.

Read the Letter


Read the article

This is a treasonous, abominable act and citizens of this country want to know why liberal cities are registering illegals to vote. One reason is legal judges. You allow non-citizens to vote in local elections, it is the first step in allowing them to vote in general elextions.

Mexico and Closing the Border

Mexican president calls Donald Trump ‘a friend’ and says he’ll warn him against closing border

López Obrador called Trump “a man of intelligence and vision" and said he would warn Trump against blaming migrants for bringing drugs into the U.S.

Mexicans were offended in 2015 when then-candidate Trump claimed that, in many cases, immigrants arriving in the U.S. illegally included “criminals, drug dealers, rapists.”

And Mexico was shocked in 2019 when Trump as president threatened to close the border “for a long time” unless Mexican authorities stopped migrants from crossing. López Obrador said the two countries’ economies were so intertwined that they couldn’t bear a closure for even a month.

Read about it...

Under Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidency, organized crime will likely be calling the shots

In October, Mexico will have a new President, Claudia Sheinbaum. Al Jazeera says, "As Mexico now prepares for a new administration, it is safe to assume that violence, official corruption, and impunity will remain the name of the game. A woman may have won the Mexican election, but the real winner is organized crime – in every sense of the term.

Al Jazeera

Joe Biden's Resignation Letter

Billionaire Bill Ackman has shared a host of wild claims on his X account including a suggestion that President Biden might be terminally-ill.

The 58-year-old investor shared a litany of suggestions concerning the embattled commander-in-chief who announced he was standing down on Sunday afternoon.

The claims shared by Ackman include concerns that Biden might be terminally ill, as well as others around the actual letter.

Click to read--

Zelenskyy makes smart move

Zelenskyy Calls, Tweets to Congratulate Trump being Republican Nominee

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and former President Donald Trump spoke by phone about "the vital importance of bipartisan and bicameral" U.S. support for Ukraine, Zelenskyy said on Twitter.

Trump took to Truth Social to say he had a "very good call" with Zelenskyy.

"I appreciate President Zelenskyy for reaching out because I, as your next President of the United States, will bring peace to the world and end the war that has cost so many lives and devastated countless innocent families," Trump said on his social media platform.

Zelenskyy said he and the Republican presidential nominee agreed to a future in-person meeting to discuss the war with Russia.


Early Morn 7-22-24

FBI connected to Trump Assasssination Attempt?

Conspiracy Theorists are over-loading the Internet on who was behind the Trump Assassination attempt

One charge is that FBI Asst. Director Janeen DiGuiseppi was sitting directly behind Donald Trump as the bullet whized by.

Snopes says it is false.

To get into the nitty gritty, go to around 14 minutes into the video.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunset 7-21-24

Biden will not run for a second term

President Biden Drops out of Presidential Race

I go to a play at the Lake Worth Playhouse to finally relax and get away from politics for a few hours but no reprieve.

President Biden just posted a statement declaring he’s dropping out of the presidential race:
“I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term. “I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.”
Missouri Senator Josh Hawley (R) called on President Biden to resign his office immediately rather than finish out his term, and he certainly won’t be the last to do so.

House Speaker Mike Johnson also called for President Biden to resign immediately, saying, “If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately.”

Read about it...

School of Rock at the Lake Worth Playhouse

Saw this musical today---out of this world! It will be there for one more week.

The musical follows Dewey Finn, an out-of-work rock singer and guitarist who pretends to be a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school. After identifying the musical talent in his students, Dewey forms a band of fifth-graders, in an attempt to win the upcoming Battle of the Bands contest.

The musical made its Broadway debut and world premiere on December 6, 2015.

Investigative Report on Secret Service

Report Reveals Secret Service Snipers Ordered to Withhold Fire Until Post Assassination Attempt

White House and National Political Correspondent, Susan Crabtree, recently revealed some startling inadequacies in the Secret Service’s protection of President Donald J. Trump during a recent rally in Pennsylvania.

This report has not only exposed these failures but has also sparked serious concerns about the Secret Service’s ability to effectively protect high-ranking individuals. Republicans are rightly questioning whether current security measures are sufficient.

The investigative work by Crabtree points to several key factors that contributed to this lapse in security. These include the absence of drone surveillance and issues within the Secret Service’s “DEI” protocols.

However, what is perhaps most alarming is the engagement rule that prevents snipers from taking action until a shot has already been fired at the person they are protecting. This shocking revelation underscores an unacceptable risk posed to national leaders due to these restrictive limitations on preemptive intervention.

Full Report on X

Usha Vance

Trump supporters praise J.D. Vance's wife, Usha Vance

The former president announced that Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio will run with him on the 2024 ticket. Vance was high up on the VP shortlist and the decision didn't come as much of a surprise to many of his supporters.

While much is known about the Ohio Republican senator and where he stands on the issues, little is known about his wife, Usha Vance.

The New York Post provided a rundown of her background and more on Vance's family--

Usha's credentials are markedly different and quite impressive compared to former second ladies and gentleman, as she has a deep legal background and has clerked for some of the biggest names in the judicial system.
  • ✔️Mom of 3🤍
  • ✔️Met J.D. at Yale Law School
  • ✔️Degrees from Yale and Cambridge
  • ✔️Corporate litigator
  • ✔️Clerked for Supreme Court justices
Read more about Usha

The buffoonish Secret Service detail

President Trump Survives Failed Assassination Attempt by the Biden Administration

"Every lawfare case against President Donald Trump has failed, so the Biden administration attempted to assassinate him on Saturday.

As predicted. They activated one of the CIA’s wind-up toys—a 20-something mental patient who actually appeared in a TV commercial for Blackrock in 2023.

Members of Trump’s Secret Service detail allowed Thomas Matthew Crooks to carry a 20-foot extension ladder and an AR-15 past them so he could climb onto a conveniently unguarded roof and shoot the president—possibly twice.

This is all just so weird. Imagine that you were going to plan out an assassination attempt on someone with that much protection surrounding them. Even if you were crazy, would your plan involve walking past the crowds with an extension ladder and an AR-15? Do you think that within a million years you would be allowed to get that close to your target before law enforcement stops you?"

Read this rendition and opinion of that fateful day