Sunday, June 30, 2024

Evening Sky 6-30-24

Free the J6 hostages now

Trump on Supreme Court Ruling: Free J6 Hostages

"Hailing Friday's Supreme Court ruling in favor of a Jan. 6 protester against obstruction of justice charges for a "peaceful protest," presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump repeated his call for President Joe Biden to release the Jan. 6 "hostages."

"This happened a few hours ago: The Supreme Court ruled that Biden's Department of Justice has wrongly prosecuted hundreds of Americans for peacefully protesting on Jan. 6," Trump told a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, in a speech that aired live and in its entirety on Newsmax and the free Newsmax2 streaming platform.

Trump has called the protesters imprisoned without bail or trial from the Jan. 6 Capitol protest "political prisoners" and Biden hostages.'"

Read Newsmax

Lake Worth lawyer disciplined

Bar report: Florida Supreme Court disciplines 10 attorneys

And one in Lake Worth

The Florida Supreme Court recently disciplined 10 attorneys — revoking the license of two, suspending five, admonishing one and reprimanding two. Court orders are not final until time expires for the disciplined attorney to file a rehearing motion.

The attorneys represent law practices from across the state. Disbarred lawyers may not reapply for admission for five years and are required to undergo a rigorous background check, as well as retake the Bar exam. Attorneys suspended for 91 days and longer must demonstrate that they have been rehabilitated in order to regain their law licenses.

Lake Worth
Laitil Ovincy, public reprimand by publication and completion of both The Florida Bar’s Ethics School and Professionalism Workshop. Admitted to practice in 2014, Ovincy neglected cases and failed to properly communicate with his clients in two separate immigration proceedings.

He is a lawyer serving Lake Worth in Family, Immigration and Nationality and Marital and Family cases.

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Abortion is not a Healthcare issue; It is a medical procedure

The left hides the truth about abortion

Better stated, the Left does not tell the truth about abortion

"Recently, we saw the Supreme Court reverse its Roe v. Wade decision, stating that abortion was not a constitutional right as an earlier court wrongfully decided.

The court decision did not ban abortion, but merely stated that it was a procedure that is to be regulated by the various states. The high court decided that the previous court decision was not well grounded in the Constitution. That was even a view held by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who often expressed her fear that Roe v. Wade could be overturned for lack of constitutional foundation. And that is exactly what happened.

Ever since the court overturned Roe v. Wade, the left has been carrying out a fraudulent campaign narrative for political benefit and money. They claim that the court decision has had a devastating impact on virtually every woman in America in terms of access to healthcare.

The Supreme Court merely said that abortion is NOT a constitutional right any more than an appendectomy."

So, the Left, that has zero respect for our Supreme Court, is using this as a campaign issue but it has zero merit.

Read about it...

The Debate

In case you missed it--Full debate

"CNN and Biden's elite handlers have known of these troubles for a long time and did all they could to conceal these issues by having a favorable network, favorable moderators, favorable questions, no audience, the threat of lawsuits from CNN against any podcasters wanting to carry the feed live, a favorable format, and a post-debate rally for Biden.

All of these elite mechanisms failed and it should It should be clear to all that Biden was not fit to be on that stage last night, and he's not been fit to be President for quite some time (if ever). The Democrat Party and Biden's handlers, including the media, have betrayed our nation, and they can't hide it anymore. [alipac]

Who has time to watch this pathetic performance again? This is a constant reminder of the dangers the Democrat party and media have compromised our country.

Biden might drop out today?

Per a report just announced from NBC News, Joe Biden has called his family to an emergency meeting at Camp David today) to 'discuss the status of his campaign'.

Of course, no one believes there’s any discussion to be had.

Joe is told what to do, always has been, always will be. Especially now.

This is all for optics.

But the optics are pointing to him dropping out. []

Jack Smith Witch Hunts on Hold

Donald Trump hit Jack Smith with a nasty surprise that could end his trial

"Special Counsel Jack Smith’s two witch hunts against Donald Trump are currently on hold.

One could be on the verge of complete implosion.

And Donald Trump hit Jack Smith with a nasty surprise that could end his trial. Hearing could determine fate of Jack Smith’s case.

Judge Aileen Cannon scheduled a hearing to determine whether Attorney General Merrick Garland unconstitutionally appointed private citizen Jack Smith as special counsel.

If Judge Cannon rules in the affirmative, Smith’s charges against Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case may get tossed.

The Landmark Legal Foundation filed an amicus brief, which argued that “Special Counsel Smith does not hold an ‘office’ and he is not an ‘Officer of the United States.'

This brief argues that because Smith is an employee of the Justice Department, a separate funding scheme separate from the money set aside for the Department of Justice is unconstitutional."


Memorable Debate Moments

Minus the last debate with Trump and Biden

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Evening Sky 6-29

Republicans after Merrick Garland

House GOP Warns AG Garland of Possible Arrest in Biden Tape Controversy

"Tensions escalate as House Republicans threaten to arrest Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Fox News reported that Rep. Anna Paulina Luna and nine other House Republicans may utilize inherent contempt to enforce a subpoena against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding President Joe Biden's interview tapes with special prosecutor Robert Kyoung Hur.

The underlying issue stems from the Department of Justice's refusal to release the specified tapes, citing executive privilege invoked by President Biden. This situation underscores a brewing storm over congressional subpoena powers and the rarely-used tactic of inherent contempt, which could authorize the arrest of a sitting Attorney General.

Luna stated that Garland still has time to comply with a congressional subpoena for the tapes. However, if he fails to do so, they will proceed with bringing the privilege motion on inherent contempt to the floor.


Democrats continue to tell us that no one is above the law.

Republicans aim to cut Jack Smith's funding

House Republicans Propose Cut to Evil Jack Smith's DOJ Funding

"The U.S. House of Representatives is embarking on a significant legislative session.

House GOP aims to slash funding for Jack Smith in the DOJ spending bill, with Speaker Mike Johnson stating they will "rein in the abuses" of the special counsel's office.

According to the Washington Examiner, the House is currently deliberating a series of annual spending bills that include significant proposals impacting key officials in the Biden administration and the ongoing legal proceedings against former President Donald Trump.

Alongside these discussions, the House Appropriations Committee is marking up additional bills that involve the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations, significantly impacting the Justice Department.

A contentious provision within these drafts seeks to terminate funding for DOJ special counsel Jack Smith's ongoing legal actions against Trump."


Good Neighbor Rule wasn't so neighborly

Supreme Court strikes down EPA's "good neighbor" rule on emissions

The Biden administration suffered a legal setback this week when the Supreme Court struck down a major Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule.

According to Fox News, the case concerns something called the "good neighbor rule," under which the EPA restricts smokestack emissions from power plants and other industrial sources that float into neighboring states. "The government sought to impose a single, uniform federal plan."

"The Clean Air Act envisions States and the federal government working together to improve air quality. Under that law's terms, States bear primary responsibility for developing plans to achieve air-quality goals," Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the majority opinion released on Thursday.

"Should a State fail to prepare a legally compliant plan, however, the federal government may sometimes step in and assume that authority for itself," he continued.

The lawmakers further insisted that the good neighbor rule and other Biden administration policies "are designed to hurriedly rid the U.S. power sector of fossil fuels by sharply increasing the operating costs for fossil fuel-fired power plant operators, forcing the plants’ premature retirement."

Read about it...

Biden and Trump debate border and immigration policy

Newsom following DeSantis policy on school kids and cellphones

Gavin Newsom just promised to enact one law that had Ron DeSantis shaking his head in disbelief

No one has attacked DeSantis as much as Governor Gavin Newsom.

But Newsom is now copying an educational policy DeSantis put in place last year that MSNBC called “dangerous” and “authoritarian.”

As part of his Teacher’s Bill of Rights, DeSantis said educators should have the right to require students to leave their phones in a cubby during class hours.

“Why are these students on their phones during class all the time?” DeSantis said at the time. “They should not be always on their phones, being distracted from the lessons.”

And after spending the past three years attacking DeSantis, Gavin Newsom just promised to restrict the use of smartphones during the school day.

Read about it...

Just follow Governor DeSantis' policies Governor Newsom and you might overcome being a debtor state and eventually operate in he black.

Early Morn 6-29-24

Bad night for Biden

Friday, June 28, 2024

Evening Sky 6-28


Hunter Biden and Perjury allegation

REPORT: New Evidence May Prove Hunter Biden Perjury

Did Hunter Biden lie to impeachment investigators during his testimony about having been involved in the Burnham Asset Management venture?

That is what is now being claimed.

According to the report, there is a paper trail and employment contract that would link Hunter Biden to the deal.

Documents seized by the FBI and SEC during a 2016 investigation into the controversial securities fund seem to show that Hunter lied to investigators.

Burnham Asset Management was involved in a securities fraud case, but it also happened to be the same firm that Hunter's business partners used to help a Russian oligarch.

When Hunter testified about the firm, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) asked, “And did you have any active participation in Burnham, either as an equity holder, director, or officer?”

Hunter replied, “No. I don't think that ever came to fruition. I think that there was a proposal that I'd be a part of that, but it all fell apart in all of this.”

Read the truth...

Trump Live in Chesapeake, Virginia today

Watch Trump Rally Live! 2pm ET today

Live coverage begins of President Trump’s rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, with speech start time expected at 3pm ET. Watch on Newsmax and Newsmax2 streaming!

or watch RSBN below--

Deborah Adeimy for Congress

✅Vetted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

✅ Vetted by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority firms

✅ Endorsed by Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Association

✅ Endorsed by Veterans for America First

✅ Endorsed by Fraternal Order of Police, PB County and Florida

For over 25 years Deborah has been a trusted Fiduciary and Advisor to families and businesses, and employed by America's premier FINRA Investment Firms.

Deborah brings her expert finance and economic experience to work for YOU in Congress.

Please help FIRE Lois Frankel and HIRE Deborah Adeimy - A Unique Candidate.

Primary is August 20. Mail-In ballots are mailed out to those who signed up on July 12. This will be my first time ever to use a mail-in ballot.

Bragg and Biden in violation of Federal Election Campaign Act?

America First Legal (AFL) filed complaint

They claim that New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Biden for President may have violated the Federal Election Campaign Act with their alleged illegally coordinated and politically motivated prosecution against Trump.

On Wednesday, in order to get to the bottom of those claims, AFL filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Bragg and Biden for President.
  • The complaint alleges coordinated campaign contributions showing Bragg donated more than $3,300, "an excessive contribution in the form of a coordinated expenditure in violation of 52 U.S.C. § 30116(a)(1)(A)."
  • The complaint also claims that Biden for President "knowingly accepted" funds violating 52 U.S.C § 30116(f).
  • In addition, according to the complaint, Biden for President failed to provide the "required disclosure information," violating 52 U.S.C. § 30104(b) and 11 C.F.R. § 104.3(a)–(b).
In essence, the lawsuit seeks to connect the dots between Bragg's prosecution of Trump and the idea that Bragg acted "in cooperation, consultation, or concert with, or at the request of Biden for the principal purpose of influencing the 2024 presidential election," financially and politically.

Read more about it...

DeSantis involving himself in Florida 2024 Election

Ron DeSantis dropped one big hint about going to war with George Soros

"Ron DeSantis has fought some of the biggest forces on the Left. Now he could be ready for another epic battle.

And Ron DeSantis dropped one big hint about going to war with George Soros who has gived untold amounts of money to corrupt DA's soft on crime. He is getting involved with the 2024 Election in Florida.

The 2024 Election is not shaping up to be much of a contest at the top of the ticket in Florida. Polling shows that former President Donald Trump should win comfortably against President Joe Biden this November.

The biggest political contests in Florida this year will be ballot measures pushed by Democrats.
  • Voters in the state will decide if they want to enshrine abortion on demand until the moment of birth into the Florida Constitution
  • Another measure legalizing recreational marijuana in the state is on the ballot for voters to decide

Election Interference and Possible Treason within Biden government

Uncovered: CIA Contractors Linked to Biden Campaign in Suppressing Hunter Biden Laptop Controversy

Recent developments suggest a scandal that overshadows Watergate

"New evidence indicates that contractors from the CIA allegedly collaborated with the Biden campaign to mislead American voters mere weeks before the 2020 election. This points towards potential election interference at the very top echelons of government.

An Explosive Report Emerges--The House Judiciary Committee, its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have released an interim report that has sent shockwaves through Washington.

Named “The Intelligence Community 51: How CIA Contractors Colluded with The Biden Campaign to Mislead American Voters”, this report unveils unsettling details surrounding the Hunter Biden laptop incident.

Some endorsers of the statement were not just former officials but were actively working for the CIA at that time.

Michael Morell and ex-CIA Inspector General David Buckley were both on active contracts with the CIA. This raises serious concerns about these officials potentially abusing their positions to fast-track the statement’s approval. They were receiving taxpayer dollars while allegedly participating in a political scheme to sway the election.

Does this not border on treason?"

Read more about it...

Our Liar in Chief, Oh what a night!

Biden Stumbles Over His Words During Debate Against Trump

And lied throughout the debate

"President Joe Biden froze-up during the first 15 minutes of the 2024 presidential debate before being bailed out by CNN moderator Jake Tapper. Overall, I think CNN did a fair job.

The debate between Biden and Trump kicked off with Tapper and fellow moderator Dana Bash jumping straight into America’s economy and questioning the two about the national debt and taxes. Following a response by Trump regarding top earners and corporations paying less in federal taxes, Tapper gave the floor to Biden.

However, as Biden laid out his argument, he took multiple pauses as his answer spiraled out of control.

After watching last night's CNN presidential debate, (I watched it on Fox) there’s one maxim that comes to mind for the progressive socialist leftists: be careful what you asked for. This little gimmick they thought would be genius has utterly backfired.

"The abject lies that the leftist media and the Democrats have perpetuated against the American people was fully exposed," says Allen West.

Biden continued his was amazing. As one commenter said, "This TV broadcast is the consolidation of over 150 prior videos of the past 3 years that have chronicled the DEMented president."


So what do you really think, George Clooney? And I have to ask the same question of Gavin Newsom who was interviewed before the debate began...what a silly ass he is.

Woke Disney

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Watch Tonight's Debate Live

The debate will begin at 9 p.m. EDT

Or tune in to CNN

Sunset 6-27-19 and 6-27-24

Compass' to honor our Mayor who dishonored our former Mayors

Four Days of Festivities Leading to Compass Stonewall Ball in WPB

Compass LGBTQ+ Community Center is closing out Pride Month with their Stonewall Ball, which has been ongoing for over 20 years. The event will take place June 29 from 7 p.m. to midnight at the Hilton West Palm Beach.

The theme for this year, "Love, Lights, & Liberation," celebrates the love and light brought by the LGBTQ community.

Compass will be honoring Lake Worth Beach Mayor Betty Resch with the Compass Leadership Award and Youth Program Mentor Rudolph R. Galindo with the Michel Brown Faces of the Community Award.

Read about it...

 Our "into diversity" Mayor is being honored by Compass but she has totally dishonored our previous Lake Worth mayors. She disrespected them by removing their portraits at City Hall which was a wallop  to all those who served for our city and made it what it is today. She referred to them as "old dead guys."

She made this decision by "consensus"...although the only commissioner who agreed with her on this was Sarah Malega. Mimi May said ok if the walls were painted some shade of blue.

Nothing on the agenda; public could not weigh in and I have to wonder if this is sort of like Biden's Executive Orders, you know, going around Congress to get his way... or those liberals tearing down statutes of important historical figures (old dead men) removing our history.

Biden hires another Bizarre staff member

Biden’s new associate communications director, Tyler Cherry

Biden hired a flamboyant new cross-dressing gender goblin to help lead his communications department

Well, the Biden regime has outdone itself once more. They’ve plunged deep into the DEI well and snagged a real doozy. This latest DEI hire isn’t just a flamboyant cross-dresser; he’s also an anti-white racist and a hardcore left-wing extremist and hates Israel.

He ticks every box for a progressive DEI hire—the only thing missing are his “communication skills.” But, honestly, who needs those when you’re set to spearhead Biden’s circus of a communications department?

Read more about Tyler...

What is the Biden administration trying to prove by these hires?

Candidate with Political jiu-jitsu will win the debate

Who I believe will win the big presidential debate

Chuck Norris, undefeated world champion, weighs in on 'political jiu-jitsu'

"As a six-time undefeated world karate champion, I know fighting and what makes up a good match, and this presidential debate tops most in my lifetime. Some are calling it the presidential debate of the century.

They may not be far off, not only for the rematch of polarized contenders but unique historic aspects of the competition. This presidential race is unlike any before it. It is unique on many fronts.

As The Hill reported June 20: "Thursday's presidential debate will be the first one since 1984 not hosted by the Commission on Presidential Debates. And prior to this year, no televised general election debate had been held before late September dating back to their creation in 1960, putting Thursday's meeting truly in foreign territory and leaving people to wonder what it means for the Biden-Trump rematch."

I predict that the contender who exposes and headlines the other's perceived weakness through their fighting technique will win the match."


Biden has been preparing with a team of 20 for a full week. Trump, on the other hand, is visiting cities, some of which are deep blue, and speaking to the people directly. Trump needs to keep his cool and I am rather sure anti-Trumper hosts, Jake Tapper and Dana Lash will try and rattle him.

I have to wonder if Biden has been fed the questions in advance. This reflects my lack of trust in CNN.

Biden campaign surrendering Florida

Biden Campaign Chair Surrenders Florida’s 30 Electoral Votes to Trump

Joe Biden’s campaign chairwoman, Jen O’Malley Dillon, has already conceded Florida’s 30 electoral votes to former President Donald Trump.

During a podcast interview with the far-left Puck, O’Malley Dillon was asked if the campaign considered Florida a legitimate battleground state His Fraudulency would contest in the coming months. Her answer was a flat, “No.”
Heilemann: And you’re saying you see North Carolina also as a battleground state?
O'Malley-Dillon: Yes.
Heilemann: Florida?
O'Malley-Dillon: No.

— Nick Field (@nick_field90) June 24, 2024
It gets even better…

The integrity of our judicial process demands full transparency

Judge Cannon Grills Jack Smith’s Prosecutor Over Funding For Special Counsel

In a striking courtroom exchange that underscores the delicate balance of power between the judiciary and executive branches, Judge Aileen Cannon confronted the prosecution team led by Special Counsel Jack Smith regarding the funding mechanisms of the Special Counsel’s office.

This rigorous scrutiny emerged as part of ongoing proceedings in the high-profile case against former President Donald Trump, involving classified documents.

The special counsel has not released a financial report since September 2023 which is a violation of the 6-month reporting requirement, investigative reporter Julie Kelly said.

Read about it...

Trump's Debate Rehearsal

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sunset 6-26-24

Biden radically changing America

Biden following in Obama's footsteps

Fundamentally changing America

Former President Donald John Trump, the GOP presumptive nominee, shredded OpenBorderJoe Biden’s mass amnesty plan that was recently announced, telling a rally in Racine, Wisconsin, that Biden “wants to be the president for illegal aliens.”

In 2014, during an interview, Obama stated that he wanted to “fundamentally change” America. Additionally, at various times during his presidency, and when he thankfully left, Obama had mentioned during speeches about his support to have “one million Baracks and Michelles.”

Was that Obama hinting that he was planning to turn America into a social democratic Euro-state? Moreover, the one million comment is strongly parroting the National Socialist German Workers Party “Hitlerjugend,” or Hitler Youth.

The key is fanatical worship and adherence to the gospel of the leader, philosophies and principles to reach a desired outcome…the radical, progressive, socialist Democrats.

Biden’s recent border actions have been met with legal challenges from both liberal and conservative groups. The ACLU is suing over changes to the asylum process, and America First Legal is suing over the new immigration policy. The Obama fundamental change, with a pathway to citizenship and the right to vote.


Assange Free--Gets Plea deal--heading to Australia

Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder Strikes Plea Deal with US

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was released from a British prison and on his way to a remote Pacific island on Tuesday where he will plead guilty to a conspiracy charge as part of a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department, according to court documents.

The agreement will free Assange and end the years' long legal battle over the publication of a trove of classified documents.

Assange was charged by criminal information — which typically signifies a plea deal — with conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information, the court documents said.

U.S. charges against Assange stem from one of the largest publications of classified information in American history, which took place during President Barack Obama’s first term.

Starting in late 2009, according to the government, Assange conspired with Chelsea Manning, a military intelligence analyst, to use his WikiLeaks website to disclose tens of thousands of activity reports about the war in Afghanistan, hundreds of thousands of reports about the war in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of State Department cables and assessment briefs of detainees at the U.S. detention camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

Read about it...

Chelsea Manning a transgender who used to be Bradley Manning, was former United States Army soldier who was convicted by court-martial in July 2013 of violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses, after disclosing to WikiLeaks nearly 750,000 classified, or unclassified but sensitive, military and diplomatic documents.[7] She was imprisoned from 2010 until 2017 when her sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. [Wikipedia]

Saudi Arabia complicit in 9/11

Never-Before-Seen 9/11 Footage Shows Saudi Spy 'Plan Attacks' At Capitol

"Newly unsealed video shows a suspected Saudi spy filming the U.S. Capitol and National Monument prior to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack.

Omar al-Bayoumi, who the FBI accused of being a Saudi intelligence operative linked to two of the 9/11 hijackers, is heard narrating a video in Arabic, "I am transmitting these scenes to you from the heart of the American capital, Washington," as well as referencing a "plan," via CBS' 60 Minutes.

The video was reportedly recorded within 90 days of senior al Qaeda planners deciding on 9/11 targets, according to Richard Lambert, a retired FBI agent, who led the Sept. 11 investigation in San Diego.

"It is another very large brick in a massive wall of evidence that at this point indicates the Saudi government was complicit in the 9/11 attacks," Lambert said CBS News."


Our government has had this video for nearly 20 years so why have they covered it up?

Investigating Prostitution ring, Judge found dead

⚠️Judge FOUND DEAD After Demanding An Investigation Into … OMG

"It sure seems that there is nothing more dangerous than having information about sex trafficking rings in the United States.

The obvious first example is Jeffrey Epstein … who DID NOT KILL HIMSELF. Take a look at his partner in crime Ms. Maxwell, as well.

Then take a look at this case in which the judge who demanded and investigation in the sex trafficking ring allegations committed … yes, you guessed it … ‘suicide’.

Take a look at this and let us know what you think is the real story here …

The Gateway Pundit reported:
A former Las Vegas Judge committed suicide a year after she resigned from her position after facing an ethics investigation.

The former judge made claims that the store, Top Knotch, was being used as a front for prostitution and her daughter Sarah was being recruited as a prostitute.

She accused the Las Vegas Metro Police Department for ignoring information she provided. Andress-Tobiasson said she had to go to the FBI with the information after being ignored by local police — which resulted in officers investigating her for allegedly breaching judicial rules by making an allegation to federal agents.

Valentine, the man behind the store Andress-Tobiasson believed was a prostitution ring, would later be convicted of a burglary charge and be a person of interest in a double homicide."

Read about this suspicious "suicide."

Snopes clarifies Trump comment from 2017

After 7 years, Snopes finally debunked the Trump “very fine people” statement

one lie Joe can't use in the debate

"In reality, Trump had said that there were “very fine people” on both sides of a heated debate over the future of Confederate statues. He clarified that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, as the media had unfairly treated those groups.

This argument was available on a transcript published by Politico in August 2017, but Snopes chose to ignore it until now." And all the fake news media ran with it and continue to do so.

"The website never explains why it waited seven years to tell the truth. It manufactured a news hook by citing social media posts in spring 2024, instead of addressing the fact they ignored this issue for seven years. This is yet another example of the media’s blatant bias, even for a website claiming to be objective."

Read about it...

We know why the left wing fact-checking site, Snopes, finally came out with the truth--They don't want Biden to use this in the debate to make him look more of a fool than he really is.

Early Morn 6-26-24


Joe Biden has abandoned Israel

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sunset 6-25

Biden won’t take a cognitive test - Something serious going on?

A doctor said Joe Biden is suffering from this serious medical condition

"Joe Biden’s mental and physical fitness for office is now becoming the issue in the Presidential campaign.

Biden is the oldest President in American history, and his condition appears to be declining by the day.

And a doctor said Joe Biden is suffering from this serious medical condition.

Dr. Sheila Nazarian – a Los Angeles based plastic surgeon who is also supporting Donald Trump – posted on X – that Biden’s physical symptoms of impairment as well as constant freezing – could be signs that he’s suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

“Frozen, masked faces, diminished arm swing, less frequent blinking, [are] likely due to a central neurological disorder like Parkinson’s,” Nazarian posted on X.

Nazarian said she normally wouldn’t make such a big deal out of what she’s seeing, but Biden is the Commander-in-Chief.

“If this was just a normal, elderly person, I would not post about it. However, perceived weakness in our commander in chief is a national security threat. It affects us all,” Nazarian added.

“Right now, we need a leader who exudes power and strength… We need to bring back excellence, merit, and love for America. We need to reign in all this craziness,” Nazarian concluded."

Read more about it...

He definitely has the symptoms of something radically wrong with his health. It's not just an age problem.

Democrats--Abuse of the Justice System

A Good Reason to Vote for Trump

Democrats have made the election a referendum on their abuse of the justice system.

President Joe Biden’s Justice Department is still trying to imprison his chief political rival—including for alleged offenses similar to ones that Justice’s special counsel believes Mr. Biden himself committed.

(Justice won’t charge Mr. Biden—the special counsel reported that our current president is too cognitively impaired to prosecute.) But when it comes to jailing Donald Trump, the possibly good news for Mr. Biden and clearly bad news for our republic is that friendly Democrats in New York City appear to have done the dirty work for him.

The obscene spectacle in a Manhattan courtroom seemed to be an almost daily reminder that the protections for the accused that we all learned about in school do not exist for Donald Trump in the chambers of Juan Merchan.

He allowed falsehoods to be repeated to a jury, allowed prejudicial irrelevant testimony to paint the defendant in the worst possible light, and allowed a prosecutor with an obvious bias against the defendant to bring the case in the first place. To top it off, as the defendant prepared for trial he was not even told precisely how he was supposed to have committed felonies."

Wall Street Journal Editors

Trump gaining in certain Demographics

Kellyanne Conway Makes Dems Panic

Says 2024 Race is ‘Over’ If Trump Gets 1 Thing

"Joe Biden and Democrats have held an edge in certain voter demographics for decades. Republicans were rarely able to gain ground among these voters and Democrats believed there would never be a challenge to their dominance among these voters.

However, that all changed when former President Donald Trump started showing traditionally faithful Democrat voters that Democrats weren’t necessarily their best bet.

During his four years, Trump made in-roads that no other Republican in decades was able to accomplish. And that trend appears to continue.
  • The presidential race is “game over” for Biden if Trump keeps gaining with Black voters.
  • Kellyanne Conway said Trump doesn’t need 50% of Black votes, just 20% could tip the scales."
  • Biden’s approval rating among Black voters dropped from 86% in 2020 to 70%" today.

Alan Dershowitz defends Trump

Alan Dershowitz Urges Ordinary Americans to File Lawsuits Against New York for Election Interference

and file against State Official’s Ongoing Attempts to Rig Election by Silencing Trump!

"Harvard Law Professor, Democrat and author Alan Dershowitz joined Sean Hannity on Friday night to discuss New York City DA Alvin Bragg’s latest attempt to gag Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump from speaking about his lawfare show-trial in New York City.

On Friday Soros-funded DA Alvin Bragg filed a complaint to silence President Trump even though the sham lawfare case has already ended.

Bragg cited “ongoing threats” against his office by Trump supporters after his office abused the legal system to convict Trump of bogus crimes that have still not been defined.

This is how the Marxist left works. Get used to it. Marxists never back down they only plow forward with their wicked drive for absolute power."

Gateway Pundit

Ways Republicans can help

What can YOU do NOW to help Republicans win?

Read what Jenniffer Lee, for State Committeewoman says--

There are many ways you can help NOW! Here are a few that I feel are important. Register to vote!

Register to vote.
Make sure you are STILL registered and STILL registered as a Republican.
They cleaned the voter rolls, so make sure you weren’t removed. Also, some data “glitches” switched many people’s party without their permission. Make sure you are not a victim to either of these scenarios by checking your status now. You can’t vote in the Republican Primary nor for Republican State Committeemen and State Committeewomen (like me) if you are not registered as a Republican!

Make sure you ARE registered AND registered as the right party.

Change your party affiliation.
Request your Vote by Mail (VBM) ballot.

Read all the ways that you can help

Supervisor of Elections Palm Beach County

Primary Election dates of importance:
Deadline to register or change party: July 22, 2024
Deadline to request a Vote by Mail ballot: August 8, 2024
Early Voting: August 10, 2024 – August 18, 2024
Election Day: August 20, 2024

General Election dates of importance:
Deadline to register: October 7, 2024
Deadline to request a Vote by Mail ballot: October 24, 2024
Early Voting: October 21, 2024 – November 3, 2024
Election Day: November 5, 2024

Ten Commandments

Monday, June 24, 2024

Evening Sky 6-24-24

Climate Embeciles desecrate Historic Stonehenge

The construction of Stonehenge started around 3000 BC

"On a day typically reserved for the celebration of the summer solstice, a group of climate protesters transformed Stonehenge into a site of civil disobedience. The iconic monument, revered for its historical and cultural significance, became the backdrop for a high-profile protest that resulted in several arrests.

This act, characterized by the spraying of orange paint across the ancient stones, has sparked a mix of outrage and support from the public." Only nutty people would support the desecration of this historical monument.

Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is considered one of the most important prehistoric monuments in Europe, and any damage to it is taken very seriously.

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It just shows that there are embeciles all over the world; they are not all indigenous to the United States.

Andrew Cuomo defends Trump

Andrew Cuomo Torches Biden, Defends Trump

"Andrew Cuomo appeared on “Real Time with Bill Maher” alongside anti-Trump, former Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger on Friday, where he didn’t hold back on criticizing President Biden and the Democrat Party while defending former President Donald Trump."

I can't imagine why anyone would be on the same show as crying Adam Kinzinger unless, of course, you are the anti-Trumper, Liz Cheney and the rest of the "un"-Select Committee.

"The former New York Governor (D) was open and honest about his thoughts on the open border and Trump’s hush money trial, among other topics.

Cuomo also defended Trump when asked about the New York hush money trial, including his thoughts on the civil fraud trial brought by Attorney General Letitia James, as well:
“That case, the attorney general’s case in New York, frankly, should have never been brought. If his name was not Donald Trump and if he wasn’t running for president. I’m the former AG in New York. I’m telling you, that case would have never been brought. And that’s what is offensive to people. And it should be, because if there is anything left, it’s belief in the justice system.”
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RICO case involving Democrats

Prominent Democrat Power Broker Charged in Racketeering Case

A New Jersey businessman known for his role as a power broker for the Democrats has been indicted

"He, along with five others, including his brother Philip indicted on charges relating to alleged racketeering.

George Norcross was charged on Monday, June 18th, with threatening people, operating a racketeering scheme, and orchestrating tax legislation to benefit himself and his organizations.

Norcross, 68, has had a long business career in which he has enjoyed close political ties with leading Democrats. His brother Philip is a political lobbyist, and his brother Donald is a Democrat member of the House of Representatives. Donald has not been charged in the case.

George Norcross is known to be friends with former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and was on the Democratic National Committee until 2021. He is understood to have been a key financial backer for many Democrat politicians both in New Jersey and across the country and has wielded significant influence on various members of the party."


Mass Migration hurting America

Jobs Report Shows Foreign Workers Taking the Lead Over American Citizens

What the hell happened to E-Verify?

"Well, well, well, hold on to your hats folks, because it looks like the latest jobs report is stirring up quite the pot of controversy. You see, while the numbers show low unemployment, it seems like a whole bunch of those new jobs are going to foreign-born workers instead of good old American folks. Can you believe it?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over half a million foreign-born workers have hopped on the job train in the past year, leaving around 300,000 American-born citizens waving goodbye to the workforce.

And you know what’s really grinding the gears of hardworking Americans? The sneaky suspicion that a big chunk of those foreign workers might just be in the country illegally. You think? Yikes!

Now, why are people still feeling the economic blues despite all these new jobs floating around? Well, some blame it on rising prices, but others point the finger at mass migration gobbling up opportunities for good ol’ American workers. After all, shouldn’t our leaders be focused on putting American citizens first when it comes to those job gains?

It’s like saving the last cookie in the jar for your sibling instead of gobbling it up yourself – it’s just good manners!"

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Deborah Adeimy for U.S. Congress

Every time you think the Democrats can’t get any more radical…they do!

As you read this email, extreme leftists are working overtime to ensure thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants can vote in federal elections.

Allowing illegals to cast ballots is a dangerous precedent that violates the principle of “one citizen, one vote.” And it’s a slap in the face to the millions of first-generation Americans who followed the legal process.

That’s why I proudly support the Secure America’s Vote and Elections (SAVE) Act. This legislation will stop non-citizen voting by requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.

As your representative, I will fight to pass this bill and secure our elections. Can I count on your support, Lynn?

If you oppose illegal immigrant voting, please add your name to my petition and support the SAFE Act today:

Sign the Petition

The SAVE Act requires proof of American citizenship to register to vote in federal elections. The act aims to prevent illegal immigration and voter fraud, and has the support of several conservative groups and leaders

Trump crashes Frat party

Early Morn 6-24-24

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Evening Sky 6-23-24

Biden's Executive Orders

This is one of his crazy orders--

Executive Order: In yet another executive order issued on Biden’s first day included an attack on women’s sports. The executive order now requires schools permit biological males to compete on women’s sports teams.

Read them all--

Click here

The snake Hamas has to be eradicated

“This is about good versus evil

As the conflict between Hamas and Israel rages on, a name has begun trending on X: Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the IDF’s head spokesman who’s been “trying to show the world what Gaza is really like.”

Hagari “seemed really solid until last week,” says Glenn Beck.

During an interview, the admiral said, “Whomever thinks it's possible to destroy Hamas is wrong. Hamas is an idea. Whomever thinks it's possible to make it disappear is wrong.”

See why Glenn respectfully disagrees

State Attorney Dave Aronberg not running; Rolando Silva to run

‘No Adult Supervision’: State Attorney Accuses Florida Judge Of Going Soft On Trump In Docs Case

Democrat state attorney, Dave Aronberg, claimed Friday that United States District Judge Aileen Cannon of the Southern District of Florida was “overwhelmingly favorable” to former President Donald Trump due to not having “adult supervision.”

Cannon has come under fire from Democrats for rulings that have been perceived as beneficial to Trump, leading them to demand her recusal. State Attorney for Palm Beach County Dave Aronberg said one of the reasons Cannon can make her rulings is because she’s “by herself” in Fort Pierce, Florida.

“As a sitting prosecutor, I’m not going to accuse a federal judge of being corrupt,” Aronberg told MSNBC host Alex Witt. “I do understand, though, why people are asking questions based on her rulings, which have been overwhelmingly favorable to Donald Trump, enough so that the conservative 11th Circuit Court of Appeals repudiated her, embarrassed her publicly last year, when she got involved in the whole special master issue.”

Dave Aronberg is not seeking a 4th term in November. We are not sad.

Former Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Captain Rolando Silva served the people of the City of Lake Worth with respect and integrity and now is running for State Attorney. Everyone should remember him when he served the City of Lake Worth. He was at many of our commission meetings.

Retired Palm Beach Sheriff’s Capt. Rolando “Rolo” Silva a Democrat, is the only ex-cop running to be the county’s top prosecutor this year.

He’s now also the only candidate to carry endorsements from the state and county Police Benevolent Associations (PBAs).


Silva for State Attorney

Mellon Bank Heir gives gigantic contribution to Trump

Reclusive Billionaire Makes Massive Political Contribution Following Trump’s Conviction

One of the largest single disclosed gifts ever

"A reclusive billionaire from a storied American family with a legacy dating back to the Gilded Age has made one of the largest political contributions in the history of American politics.

Timothy Mellon, heir to the Mellon banking fortune, made a $50 million contribution to the pro-Trump super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. He has also donated to Robert F. Kennedy's campaign.

But Mr. Mellon's $50 million gift will significantly help pro-Trump forces narrow the financial advantage that President Biden and his allies have enjoyed so far.

Miriam Adelson, the casino billionaire and widow of Sheldon G. Adelson, who died in 2021, has also made plans to fund a pro-Trump super PAC with at least as much money as the $90 million that her family gave in the 2020 campaign, although much of the cash has yet to arrive."


SCOTUS Bans Guns for Domestic Abuse Suspects

Supreme Court upholds law barring domestic abusers from owning guns

The Supreme Court upheld a 30-year-old law on Friday that bars people with restraining orders for domestic abuse from owning firearms. Chief Justice John Roberts described the ruling as “common sense.”

In an 8-1 decision, the Justices found that historically, gun laws often included provisions preventing individuals “who threaten physical harm to others from misusing firearms."

Justice Clarence Thomas was the lone dissenter, saying there wasn’t a "single historical regulation" that justified the ban.[The Flyover]
“The court and government do not point to a single historical law revoking a citizen’s Second Amendment right based on possible interpersonal violence,” Thomas wrote. “Yet, in the interest of ensuring the Government can regulate one subset of society, today’s decision puts at risk the Second Amendment rights of many more.”
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US going to War?

Well, it is getting scary out there--

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Evening Sky 6-22

George Soros Radio Stations Takeover?

FCC's Carr to Newsmax: Sound Alarm on Soros Radio Takeover Bid

"Brendan Carr, one of two Republican members of the five-member Federal Communications Commission, warned Thursday on Newsmax about an effort by a foreign company founded by liberal billionaire George Soros that is seeking to fast-track the purchase of more than 200 radio stations in the U.S.

In February, Soros Fund Management reportedly purchased $400 million of debt in Audacy, which is the No. 2 U.S. broadcaster behind iHeartMedia. Audacy, which owns more than 220 stations nationwide and reaches 165 million monthly listeners, features a number of conservative shows from hosts that include Erick Erickson, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Dana Loesch.

FCC rules prohibit giving a radio station license to a company if more than 25% of its controlling interest is held by a foreign individual, government, or entity.

To assume control of Audacy, the FCC would need to make an exception for Soros Fund Management."

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China buying up strategic land in the U.S.

Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert S. Spalding III

Report: China Owns Farmland Next to 19 Military Bases

China owns farmland near 19 U.S. military bases across the country, according to the New York Post, raising fears of espionage and sabotage by communist agents.

The bases adjacent to Chinese-owned land include some of the most strategically important installations, including Fort Liberty in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Fort Cavazos in Killeen, Texas, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, and MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.

"It is concerning due to the proximity to strategic locations," retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Robert S. Spalding III told the Post. His work focuses on U.S.-China relations.

"These locations can be used to set up intelligence collection sites and the owners can be influential in local politics as we have seen in the past," he said. "It is alarming we do not have laws on the books that would prevent the Chinese from buying property in the U.S."

Read Newsmax

I don't blame China. I do blame our lax laws in this country and those property owners selling to China for the almighty buck.

Trump in Racine, Wisconsin

Donald Trump held rally in Racine, his third Wisconsin rally of 2024

This video is a mix of Biden propaganda by his supporters and Trump MAGA.

What prompted this post is the left-wing New York Times article of yesterday stating there were a "few thousand" who showed up for the rally.

They failed to mention people were waiting overnight and the heat factor of that day drove many to leave. Some supporters had left the park earlier in the speech, many sporting sunburns. The temperature was 82 degrees at the end of the speech. We are used to heat in Florida but not Wisconsin. [msn]

Trump to speak at the Faith & Freedom rally today

President Trump Keynotes the Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority"

President Trump Holds a MAGA Rally in Philadelphia - Noon

The Hispanic and Black Vote

These Black and Hispanic Biden Voters Plan to Vote for Trump

"Saying their values are no longer represented in the Democrat Party, more minority voters are switching to Republican."

Although not considered a "minority," that's exactly why I switched in 2008! And my biggest regret was convincing my late mother, a life-long Republican, to change her party affiliation to Democrat.

And this man did the same thing--"When Wender Angeles arrived in the United States from Peru in 2006, he registered to vote as a Democrat because he related the party to the word “democracy.” He got involved with the party and voted for Barack Obama.

As he learned more about the two parties, he felt the Republican Party was a better fit.

“Later on, I was like, oh wait, this is not what I believe. But at the beginning, I was basically surrounded by Democrats,” Mr. Angeles told The Epoch Times in his family’s Exeter, Pennsylvania, living room."

Read more... of this compelling story at The Epoch Times.

Early Morn

Democrats - Grasping at Straws

Friday, June 21, 2024

Evening Sky 6-21-24

"Joe Biden is the master of disaster"

Byron Donalds uttered three words about Joe Biden that sent him into a rage

Who doesn't love Byron Donalds unless you are a Marxist?

"Byron Donalds is one of the rising stars among House Republicans.

He’s emerged as a top surrogate for Donald Trump on the campaign trail and is a rumored VP option.

And Byron Donalds uttered three words about Joe Biden that sent him into a rage.

Representatives Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Wesley Hunt (R-TX) have emerged as former President Donald Trump’s two top surrogates to reach out to black voters.

They sat down for an interview with Forbes to discuss why polling shows that black voters, especially black men, are abandoning Biden to back Trump.

“Because he’s trash!” Donalds exclaimed."

Read more of what Donalds said

Dr. Jill and the Biden Crime family

Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Breaks His Silence, Reveals the Truth!

Bill Stevenson, the ex-husband of first lady Jill Biden, made shocking claims about what he calls the “Biden crime family.”

"Stevenson’s allegations shed light on a dark side of the first couple’s past and raise questions about the extent of their influence and actions.

Stevenson made accusations that Joe Biden’s administration is mirroring the actions the Bidens took during their divorce proceedings, targeting former President Donald Trump.

According to Stevenson, he was threatened by Frankie Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, during his divorce, resulting in him relinquishing his house in the settlement. Two months later, Stevenson found himself indicted on tax charges amounting to $8,200.

The striking similarity between Stevenson’s case and Hunter Biden’s ongoing tax case cannot be ignored. While Hunter faces two misdemeanor counts for roughly $2.2 million in unpaid taxes, Stevenson suggests that he faced two felonies for a mere $8,200.

The discrepancies raise questions about the power dynamics within the Biden family and their alleged influence over the Department of Justice.

The similarities between Stevenson’s indictment and Hunter Biden’s case raise concerns about potential favoritism or selective prosecution within the justice system."


The Passage of Time

In the world of politics, there is one common theme that runs through every presidential campaign

the idea of a leader who is intelligent, articulate, and capable of guiding the country through challenging times

Presidents like John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and others have become role models for this ideal. However, not all politicians possess these qualities.

Take Kamala Harris, for example. While she may have been chosen as Joe Biden’s running mate in the 2020 election due to her age and energy, she has proven to be just as incoherent as her boss.

Recently, the Trump campaign released an 82-second ad highlighting some of Harris’ most famous flubs and missteps. Among them, her puzzling statement on the “passage of time” during a speech in Louisiana in 2022, where she talked about the importance of high-speed internet.

The ad also included a clip from just a few days ago, where Harris struggles to explain the role of community banks, saying they are “in the community, led by members of the community.” And let’s not forget her wise words on space: “Space is exciting!” This ad serves as a harsh reminder of why Harris is just as disliked as her running mate.

She/Her, He/Him, They/Them

California pharmacists forced to participate in LGBT indoctrination courses

"California pharmacists must now complete mandatory training on gender identity, colonialism, and white privilege in order to remain licensed in their field.

According to a June 17 report from the Free Press, the mandated “cultural competency” courses went into effect earlier this year. Democratic Assemblyman Christopher Ward stated after passing the measure that it was to “ensure pharmacists are looking out for the well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals.”

The mandate requires California pharmacists to complete an hour of the training every two years, the report states.

In the training, professionals are instructed to begin customer interactions with a question about gender, and what pronouns the customer prefers."


It just gets more stupid by the day.

UnSelect January 6 Committee Illegitimate

U.S. House moves to declare Pelosi's partisan Jan. 6 committee illegitimate

Proposal would rescind subpoenas for Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro

"Republican members of the U.S. House are moving to nullify the entirety of ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's partisan committee that "investigated" the Jan. 6, 2021, protest at the U.S. Capitol, where a few hundreds of people rioted.

The Gateway Pundit reports some two dozen members are sponsoring a resolution that would designate the committee and its work illegitimate and cancel the subpoenas it issued during its time in the spotlight.

It explains that's significant because it would be, "Rescinding the subpoenas issued by the January 6th Select Committee on September 23, 2021, October 6, 2021, and February 9, 2022, and withdrawing the recommendations finding Stephen K. Bannon, Mark Randall Meadows, Daniel Scavino, Jr., and Peter K. Navarro in contempt of Congress," the resolution reads."

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Why wasn't Hunter thrown in jail for ignoring a subpoena? The House Judiciary Committee voted 23-14 to approve a resolution holding Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for ignoring a subpoena.


Thursday, June 20, 2024