Sunday, July 21, 2024

The buffoonish Secret Service detail

President Trump Survives Failed Assassination Attempt by the Biden Administration

"Every lawfare case against President Donald Trump has failed, so the Biden administration attempted to assassinate him on Saturday.

As predicted. They activated one of the CIA’s wind-up toys—a 20-something mental patient who actually appeared in a TV commercial for Blackrock in 2023.

Members of Trump’s Secret Service detail allowed Thomas Matthew Crooks to carry a 20-foot extension ladder and an AR-15 past them so he could climb onto a conveniently unguarded roof and shoot the president—possibly twice.

This is all just so weird. Imagine that you were going to plan out an assassination attempt on someone with that much protection surrounding them. Even if you were crazy, would your plan involve walking past the crowds with an extension ladder and an AR-15? Do you think that within a million years you would be allowed to get that close to your target before law enforcement stops you?"

Read this rendition and opinion of that fateful day


Dan Volker said...

If you've been watching the Biden Whitehouse and the Weaponized Main Stream Propaganda Media of CNN, MSNBC, and the NY Times, you know they have been attempting to get one of their fanatics riled up enough to try to assassinate President Trump.

Anonymous said...

Dems are evil sneaky characters.

Anonymous said...

Dems are to blame for this, evil slaves like joy Reid, sick haters.