Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamala announcement met with silence

Schumer Asks For Applause For Harris Gets Hit With Brutal Silence- TWICE

The apparent lack of support for Kamala Harris in her quest to ascend to the presidency was made evident by the response of an audience to Senator Chuck Schumer’s begs for applause.

Schumer, along with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, formally announced their endorsement of Harris during a joint press conference on Tuesday.

However, despite the enthusiasm of the two former holdouts, the response from the crowd was anything but enthusiastic.

As Schumer declared, “Today, in Wisconsin and across America we begin our next chapter, and it will be our best yet,” he received a deafening silence in response to his passionate appeal for Harris.

It was then that the senator asked for “Applause?” only to be met with continued silence.

Similarly, Jeffries’ own endorsement, delivered with equal fervor and confidence, also failed to elicit any response from the crowd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want a baby killing supporter for a president vote for mala somebody who's probably had hundreds of abortions herself and likes to keep pushing abortions and killing innocent helpless voiceless babies! A sinner and hater who is going to hell!