Sunday, September 24, 2023

Virginia Beach School Board Sued for not following law

Parents sue Virginia Beach school board to force acceptance of state transgender policies

Two Virginia Beach parents have filed a lawsuit seeking to force their local school system to adopt Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s new model policies for the treatment of transgender students.

The lawsuit, filed on the parents' behalf by the conservative-leaning Cooper and Kirk law firm, alleges that local school boards must adopt the policies adopted earlier this year by the Youngkin administration.

It says the parent plaintiffs "want to protect their children from being compelled to use biologically inaccurate names and pronouns, forced to use bathrooms and locker rooms with members of the opposite sex, or required to pretend during athletic competition that gender identity can override the enduring physical differences between boys and girls."

Read about it...

The liberal Virginia Beach School Board says "stick it" to Virginia law. It's really unfathomable that people have to sue government over common sense issues. There are only two sexes folks!

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