Friday, September 22, 2023

Biden being cute again

Biden Caught on Hot Mic with Snarky Remark

"Joe Biden was caught making a snarky comment about the ongoing auto union strike. This incident took place during a bilateral meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, held in New York on Wednesday.

As American autoworkers fight for their rights and livelihoods, Biden’s dismissive remark adds insult to injury. After a brief meeting, Biden was overheard on a hot mic, saying, “Surprised they haven’t asked me about the auto strike. They usually ask about things that have nothing to do with what we’re talking about.” His comment reveals a startling lack of concern for the plight of the autoworkers involved in the strike, suggesting his primary focus is elsewhere.

Trump chose to skip the upcoming Republican primary debate at the Reagan Library in California, opting instead to speak to a crowd of more than 500 current and former union members in Detroit. This move has left Democrats scrambling, as Trump’s actions highlight the party’s failure to address the historic strike effectively.

The strike, involving members of the United Auto Workers Union against the “Big 3” manufacturers – Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis – is unprecedented in the history of the 150,000-member union. The strike commenced at midnight on Thursday night after no deal was reached, marking a significant moment in labor history." [freedomheadlines]

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