Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Retha Lowe taking up the cause to clean up our two cemeteries

Protesters form human chain around Lake Worth Beach cemetery

They demand proper fencing around 2 historically Black burial locations

Residents of Lake Worth Beach got together to advocate for two of the area's historically Black cemeteries on Tuesday night, forming a human chain around one of them. "To make it look presentable, safe and secure for our loved ones we have back here," Retha Lowe, one of the organizers, said. "You have people drinking, throwing trash here on A Street, defecating here. It's not right," activist Hazzler Decime said.

"To me, it's a simple ask," Commissioner Sarah Malega said. "We should've done this years ago. We own the cemeteries. It's our responsibility."

Read more at WPTV

Our two cemeteries It wasn't that long ago that this commission entertained the idea of selling our two cemeteries because they were losing money. They didn't want the responsibility back then.


Anonymous said...

It's not unheard of to move cemeteries. The land down here is so expensive, that it probably wouldn't be practical.

I think it's a good idea to fix them up, and maybe there are funds available for that purpose.

I have no idea, but it seems those cemeteries may have quite a few Veterans from the two World Wars buried there.

Anonymous said...

South B Street has a park. Because of vandalism, the fence was removed from around the park. Now the property abutting (vacant lot) has the overflow of drunks throwing their bottles, cans, and trash onto this vacant lot. The lot is maintained by the owner every two weeks. Is it fair the city worker who cleans that park DAILY, won't pick up the public trash? When questioned about putting a fence back up, the answer was "no money in the budget this year."

So, money for a fence around a cemetery, but no money for a fence around a public park? Encourage kids to be in this public space, but dont protect the littlest from running into the street?

Anonymous said...

Fool McVoy don’t know code only when it makes him feel good.

How’s the oak tree transfers going at the Gulf Stream, what, no trees replanted, surprise surprise, haha.

Anonymous said...

I'm not against the idea of a fence, but if vandals destroyed the fence that was there, why would they not destroy the new fence.

What we need to do, is get rid of the element that is causing damage to our neighborhoods. Most of them probably belong in a mental instition, and the rest of them belong in jail.

I'm not a do-gooder. Get rid of this element. Make it known that Lake Worth doesn't tolerate drunks and homelessness.

Put them in Gun Club for a couple of nights. Some of them might like it there. If not, make them leave LW. Put them on a Greyhound Bus to San Francisco.

Anonymous said...

This city has gone to hell, a dump. Too many people without God here. Lots of slaves for Satan who hate America.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the city does look bad. Store owners could take more pride in their store fronts and outside areas.

Some of the people I see on Lake Avenue look like they are right out of the Walking Dead. There is no reason for anybody to look like that.

No wonder people are depressed. I would be depressed if I was covered in tattoos, and never washed my hair.

Lake Worth is just not the same vibrant city it was when I moved here in 2004. I have to blame the elected officials for the decline.

Anonymous said...

Why do people have pink and green hair? Look like the rest of us, weirdos, or go to California is what I say.