Sunday, July 7, 2024

Maxine the deranged Racist

Maxine Waters made this ridiculous prediction about the November election

The Left is the real source of political violence

“Donald Trump has said that if he does not win, it is going to be fraud, and because it is going to be fraud, there will be blood in the streets. He threatens about a civil war, and he threatens there’s going to be violence,” Waters added.

Trump has made no such talk.

Democrats need to campaign against a caricature of Donald Trump because the polls show the voters favor the actual record of Donald Trump as President over that of Joe Biden.

Maxine is off her rocker


Anonymous said...

Her hate will only lead her to hell!

Anonymous said...

The hateful and deranged left is what has destroyed humanity in the world today, hate is the real problem!

Anonymous said...

ditto to9.57 hate breeds raceism

Anonymous said...

So much sin, we never take sin seriously anymore! Hate is the worst, that is why Jesus talks about loving all!

Anonymous said...

This slave needs a lot of prayers like piglosi!