Sunday, July 7, 2024

Biden interview with George Stephanopoulos

See the Faces of the ABC News Panel After Biden’s Interview--click link below

Joe Biden sat down with former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos for an exclusive ABC News interview that was aimed at quelling the deafening concerns about the president’s mental health. It did no such thing.

The faces of the panel that were to weigh in on this interview say it all. ABC News’ Jon Karl rightly noted that Democrats who watched this disaster are even more worried since Joe doesn’t understand that he’s losing the election.
@GStephanopoulos: Mr. President, I’ve never seen a president of 36% approval get re-elected.
Biden: Well, I don’t believe that’s my approval rating–that’s not what our polls show.
His inner sanctum of advisers is feeding him a bunch of BS.


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