Saturday, December 4, 2010

E-Mail from the Democrats

Yesterday I got an e-mail from the Democrats:

Dear xxx,

In January, the rightwing Supreme Court allowed corporations to spend unlimited amounts to buy Congress. This fall, big corporations laundered millions through secret "super-pacs" to elect Republicans.

With Republicans in charge of the House, we cannot pass a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's outrageous ruling. Instead, we have to use our consumer spending power to fight corporations that support Republicans - including AT&T, Verizon Wireless, and T-Mobile.

If you use one of those companies, now is the perfect time consider switching to our great progressive friends at CREDO Mobile - the company Glenn Beck calls "evil."

I agree with this e-mail as far as the Supreme Court ruling but not to the point of "fighting Republicans" and switching to a company just because Glenn Beck calls it "evil." I have a problem with corporations being that heavily involved in politics or a Party telling me with whom I should do business. Personally, each Party has a lot to be desired. They both have screwed up this country. The Court is split 50/50 between liberals and conservatives with Justice Kennedy the Swing-Vote. It shows that when a vote goes against our beliefs, we tend to label the victors.

As I was totally against this Supreme Court decision, I looked up the Justices involved and sure enough, Justice Kennedy was the decider. It all involved around the right of free speech. President Obama said, it is “a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans.”

The Supreme Court Justices:

Ginsberg: very liberal, consistently votes against the conservatives--appointed by Bill Clinton in 1993

Breyer: consistently liberal--appointed by Bill Clinton in 1994

Sotomayor: consistently votes with the progressive bloc--appointed by Barack Obama in 2009

Kagan: expected centrist-progressive, no record of jurisprudence--appointed by Barack Obama in 2010

Kennedy: the swing vote; considered a conservative; sometimes votes with the liberal faction--appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1988

Alito: consistently conservative--appointed by George W. Bush in 2006

Roberts: consistently conservative--appointed by George W. Bush in 2005

Scalia: extremely conservative--appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1986

Thomas: extremely conservative--appointed by George H. W. Bush in 1991

Current (2010) salary for the Chief Justice is $223,500 per year, while the Associate Justices each make $213,900.

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