Sunday, May 19, 2024

Russia's Nuclear Threat

Kremlin says it will 'retaliate for any nuclear threats'

warns tensions could spill into WW3

after warning that allowing Ukraine to strike Russian territory with US weapons could spark a 'tragedy for humanity'

His comments come as Russian troops continue to seize land in eastern Ukraine.



Anonymous said...

russia is a petrol station with nuclear bombs it invented nothing only chaos to its neighbors, shithole country

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Ukrainian part of Russia previously?

Anonymous said...

Yes, for hundreds of years 10:17. Maybe forever.

The big difference seems to be between Catholics and Orthodox. The area nearest Poland tends to be Roman Catholic, (no surprise there) and the area closest to Russia is Orthodox.

Both Russians and Ukrainians are enormously intelligent and talented peoples, and if it wasn't for the meddling of the United States, this would never have happened.

The US can't manage its' own country, but it can't seem to stop trying to ruin other countries as well.

Anonymous said...

Did you forget Sputnik 7:06?

Lynn Anderson said...

1:51...please explain the U.S. "meddling.

Anonymous said...

Explain US Meddling: What comes to mind is the incessant push to have what used to be called the Eastern Bloc Countries join NATO.

The Agreement not to expand NATO made by James Baker has been abrogated, and Russia is not going to sit by and allow the US to take over these countries. But this really started after Sputnik.

Having several generations of kids hiding under their desks in case the Russians bombed us.

It was Germany we were at war with. Russia was our ally.

You should find the movie "The Russians are Coming"

Anonymous said...

Russias been meddling in Ukraine since before Cathrine the great it was never voluntarily a part of russia it was forced to be a colony for hundreds of years. Ukrainians overwhelmingly voted 95% to be independent of the Moscow yoke the ussr was colonialism against every country’s will except russia no country voluntarily entered the ussr pact, not Poland, Romania, nobody! Typical Moscow propaganda here, sad!

Anonymous said...

Russia and Germany were friends prior to 1939, Stalin signed the treaty, Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact aka also referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact and the Nazi–Soviet Pact. Russians like to forget about this.