Friday, May 24, 2024

Another Biden Administration Costly Blunder

Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine

Niger Prime Ministger ends US Relations, Blames ‘Threats’ From WH Official

The US Assistant Secretary of State (African Affairs), Molly Phee, made a colossal blunder in Niger. The US is now being commanded to withdraw its military from a strategically important country.

U.S. law mandates the suspension of security assistance and counterterrorism operations following last year’s military coup that deposed Niger’s democratically elected president. These operations had included the collection of intelligence on militant activities in the region from a large drone base in northern Niger. In the midst of status negotiations with Niger and calls for the junta to start restoring democracy, the US has maintained over 1,000 military soldiers stationed there.

While negotiating the US military deployment in Niger, Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine accused Molly Phee of making threats against authorities in a recent interview with media. Zeine said that Phee conducted herself with an air of superiority and disrespect.

As a result of the lack of diplomacy skills, the United States military will soon withdraw from Niger, leaving the country’s anti-American leadership with an airfield valued at one hundred million dollars USD.

It was recently discovered that American troops have been forced to share the US airfield with the Russian military.

Read more... These blunders are always costly in every way imaginable.

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