Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Kamala Harris gets 4 Pinocchios

Washington Post Fact-Checker Awards Kamala Harris 4 Pinocchios for Attack on Kavanaugh

At last, the media has called out a liberal for, well, basically lying.

The Washington Post awarded Sen. Kamala Harris, a Democrat from California, with four Pinocchios for sharing a selectively edited video about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh while arguing that he is “going after” birth control.

Read about it...

She and Cory Booker were the absolute worst of liberal prevaricators at the Kavanaugh hearings.


Anonymous said...

Washington Post is fake news. I don't believe a word they say.

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL, @9:07---keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Washington Post is fake news!*

*unless it's printing something I like then it's real news.

Thank goodness this kind of dimwit thinking is leaving this Earth a little bit each day.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:59--You talk about me not being a Christian but you are hoping we all drop dead. You didn't say it but that's exactly what you mean. Nice gal.
You forget about the 62 million who voted for Donald Trump. Not all of them are old people. Some are smart young Conservatives. Get a grip.
Every news media organization can post something correct...not all of them are "fake" all of the time, just like you can be right sometimes...just not in your support of Democrats and their policies.

Anonymous said...

4:59pm dimwit thinker who vapes even though it kills