Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Leading with half a brain

Is it possible that most politicians have half a brain? And I am talking about politicians in both Parties. Now we have some governors allowing Muslim refugees to settle in their states believing that they will be vetted properly before their feet touch their soil and that no terrorists will be among them. Nothing worse than a bleeding heart progressive neo-puritan for putting American citizens at risk.

Trump is right when he says that we are being lead by stupid people. This is an Obama program that is being targeted by Islamic terrorists and we are allowing these "refugees" to settle in carefully chosen American communities  where they can get the largest amount of U.S. hand-outs. We all know that Obama has more up his sleeve to ruin this country before he leaves office. We have seen him in action over the years by ignoring Congress and just doing what in the hell he wants. Is it possible he could be opening the flood gates to 80,000 Syrians, Pakistanis and Somalians some of whom will most assuredly be terrorists?

Muslim immigration is swelling to 6.2 million according to Breitbart. WND says at least 72 cases have been documented in just the past year of refugees becoming involved in terrorist activity after being brought to the U.S. A Muslim teen was just sentenced to 11 years for supporting and recruiting for ISIS and finding ways for them to fund their activities.

Read this....

And then remember this: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

 ~ Abraham Lincoln

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