Sunday, June 6, 2010

Get ready for a Blast - 3rd on the 4th in Lake Worth

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Get read for a blast!

The Downtown Cultural Alliance in conjunction with the City of Lake Worth, the Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce and One Good Deed Marketing have organized a day of fun and family in downtown Lake Worth. Kudos to Michele of 531 East, Inc. and Angel of Theatrics of Lake Worth for all their hard work and enthusiasm to bring an "old Fashion Fourth Weekend Explosion." The event is from 10am until 6pm on July 3 with Greg Rice as Master of Ceremonies.

There will be a huge variety of arts and crafts vendors, musicians on stage on L Street and more at a larger stage on K Street throughout the day.

Can you bake a pie? An old fashioned pie baking contest will tickle your fancy with prizes to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.

You and the kids can participate in a watermelon contest, water balloon tossing, best patriotic costume, best funky patriotic hat and much more. There will be a few gift certificates from downtown merchants.

Don't forget--wear your red, white and blue.


dee mcnamara said...

This year is the 6th Annual Lake Worth Old Bridge Park Liberation, 4th of July Celebration, to commemorate the Victory of the Citizens of Lake Worth

over the speculator who wanted to take our water surrounded Old Bridge Park on Palm Beach Island(most valuable land in County, for a bargain basement price,)to build his 86 Condominiums.

It is a total friendly non- Commercial,no self promotion, or underhanded agenda, event .
No peddling, no self or business promotion.
As proven in the past 5 years!

Our Charter Amendment we created , stopped the taking of a Public park for the greed of one speculator.
Our Charter Amendment, will save all our Public Parks and Waterfront land from being robbed by greedy speculators and corrupt Commission members, to enrich one man!!!!!!
Come to celebrate this Citizens Victory over overdevelopment and the arrest of greedy speculators .

The motives for other new Commercial events, with self promotion and peddlers,

have nothing to do with the noble reason for the 6th (as in sixth) Old Bridge Park 4th of July,liberation Celebration from greed of overdevelopers!
I hope honest people remember the elfless battle for the right of fellow Citizens!
See you at the conquered Old Bridge Public Park for all Lake Worth Citizens!

Dee McNamara

dee mcnamara said...

The newly announced 4th of July Downtown COMMERCIAL event,

is NOT based on the SELFLESS premise of the Old Bridge Park NON-COMMERCIAL, 5 YEAR OLD EVENT.

We celebrate Liberation of Public Parks, from an 86 Condo plan to enrich one specualtor!

Preservation for Public use of all Public Parks and Land is the result of our Public Land Public parks Charter Amendment!

No underhanded self promotion as 5 earlier events have proven
No gathering of people to peddle them something, a clean Free barbecue picnic for those who cannot afford to pay it,usually those with many children!

I regret the vendetta against a noble event, from City Hall,but expect it from that crude, self serving primitive element!

Dee McNamara

dee mcnamara said...

I forgot, we help the handicapped to a bench or a chair, also no charge!
dee Mcnamara!