Sunday, October 13, 2024

DeSantis says the tropical weather is ‘nothing new under the sun.’

‘It is hurricane season’: DeSantis schools reporter tries to blame Hurricane Milton tornadoes on global warming

During a Thursday press briefing, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) came prepared with the facts on hurricane history, schooling a reporter who tried to blame tornadoes caused by Hurricane Milton on global warming.

I'm just surprised that it took this long for some liberal reporter to ask the question.

Two hurricanes and dozens of tornadoes have hit Florida in the last couple of weeks.

When asked by a reporter whether he thinks the increase in tornadoes could be linked to climate change, DeSantis responded, “I think you can go back and find tornadoes for all of human history for sure.”

“I think, if you go back to 1851, there’s probably been 27 hurricanes that have had lower [barometric pressure] — so the lower the barometric pressure, the stronger it is,” he continued. “I think there have been about 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric pressure on landfall than Milton did, and of those, 17 occurred, I think, prior to 1960.”

Read more about DeSantis putting Climate change to rest

Ron DeSantis, with a BS from Yale and a law degree from Harvard, comes prepared. He's doing a great job for Florida.


Anonymous said...

Exactly. Just because we had 2 hurricanes hit Florida in 13 days means nothing. This is the way it's always been in the summer. Hurricane after hurricane after hurricane. Nothing has changed. Except, of course, now the government is sending them to red states before the election. It's not going to stop me from voting!

Anonymous said...

Love him !

Anonymous said...

I know a friend of mine tried to do this to me as well about this whole thing with climate change and global warming and I told her the same thing. I get so tired of these idiots they're such follewrs of these evil slaves for Satan like, George Bush II he was the one that pushed all this climate change and approving by law making it rain and altering the climate and that's what we're dealing with right now, all of these evil governments doing all of this crap too it's such BS it's such a scam the whole green New deal is such a scam! And they like to use all of these weather events as if there's something new! It's all a big lie and I'm glad that Governor DeSantis is pointing all of this out!