Sunday, January 9, 2022

Tucker takes Senator Ted Cruz to task for using the word "terrorist"

Sen. Ted Cruz says it was 'a mistake' to call the Jan. 6 Capitol riot a 'violent terrorist attack'


Anonymous said...

Maybe they should have just called Putin. The Russian troops would have made short work of those hippies.

Or perhaps China; then they could have been forced to go to work and maybe reduced the supply shortage we're experiencing.

This is one of the most boring issues I've ever had to suffer through. Get on with it already. Surely worse things are ahead of us.

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL @7:50...perhaps you are bored by many things.
Trump offered National Guard Troops...Pelosi and the Capitol Police turned down the offer. Instead, we had one patriot murdered there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Pelosi and the Capitol Police have the power to override a president. And Trump would have let them.

Nailed it, Lynn.

Anonymous said...

It's called Obsession! You have an obsession with one event, when there are so many other things to obsess about.

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:214...stop your obsession with me!