Sunday, July 14, 2019

Against ADU's

405 have signed. Let’s get to 500!

Please Sign petition AGAINST ADU's in Lake Worth


Anonymous said...

it wants me to send in money?

Lynn Anderson said...

According to Google: Pricing Structure sells its promotions to organizations on a cost-per-email-address basis. According to progressive online activist group Netroots Foundation, the cost of a petition promoted on without regional targeting is $1.75 per e-mail address.
So this one IS regional targeting. So whoever started this petition is paying. So, that's a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

Our Association Attorney forwarded a petition to the Condo BOD. Becker and Polikoff. I noticed it came from Survey Monkey.

Anonymous said...

It woujdbe a few bucks well-spent.

My favorite comment from the pro-ADU petition is still the one that says ADUs will “enliven our alleys”. Ha! I like my alley for the further buffer from the house next door. Go find your own alley.

Anonymous said...

It is too bad that Omari and the elected have destroyed this city. It could be so nice. The biggest problem already with this city is that it is like 90% rental, not it will even be worse. There is not enough home ownership in this city who take pride in their property. So sad. Have any of you driven down South E street late? F, D, G, H, North, either way, the city looks like hell and such a dump. There is no code enforcement or pride in the city, house and house looks like dumps, the city looks like hell! Thanks Omari and elected wastes. Accountability?

Lynn Anderson said...

At 7pm, 441 had signed!

Anonymous said...

this all started when some new bes changed 19 ave n, to welsley ,then s.o to ocean breeze,then lake worth to lake worth beach,then n.o to ocean breeze now this adu crap.we have no senior center,no shuffle board courts ,no pool.cant use our park for the people living police force.what next

Anonymous said...

Of course Omari did not mention his plan for ADUs when he was running for re-election.

Anonymous said...

He didn’t have to mention it... it was and IS crystal clear that Hardy is not invested in this community and is using it as a stepping stone to further his own political ambitions.

Everything he does is an attempt to get publicity FOR HIMSELF. To get his own name in headlines. He disgusts me. The worst kind of politician.

Anonymous said...

I remember when a lot of you thought Omari was the best thing since sliced bread.guess he caught you off guard