Sunday, March 10, 2019

Political Hit-Piece out on Omari Hardy

When a hit piece comes out sent by a PAC or Electioneering Committee, it is virtually impossible to track it down to the responsible party. They are experts at subterfuge.

Yesterday I received a hatchet job attack mailer on Commissioner Omari Hardy from the Committee to Protect Florida, a Republican Committee registered in Tallahassee.  It was received right before the election. Whoever was behind this (and I have a good idea) knew exactly how to time this advertisement so that Omari Hardy could not counter it. The mailer exaggerated and outright lied. Hardy is anything but self-serving and he left a meeting one time when Maxwell would not even discuss an issue.

The Bulk Mail Permit is out of Tampa...not enough time to track it all down.

The two running in District 2 are both registered Democrats.  The difference here is that Omari challenges the dais and keeps them on their toes.  Some up there (most of them) don't like that.  We can bet that the city manager sure in hell doesn't like it. Although the Commission is his boss, city manager Bornstein and staff run the show.

So, when you go into that voting booth on Tuesday, vote to re-elect Omari Hardy, the only one asking the hard questions and the only one who has the puppet masters scared.

Also, please vote NO on both amendments that were originally brought forth by Scott Maxwell. Richard Guercio is the only candidate AGAINST these amendments.


Anonymous said...

Don't like negative campaigning.

Lazyland said...

Herman Robinson has publicly stated his opposition to both questions on the ballot
Sam Goodstein

Anonymous said...

City manager picks and chooses which Commissioners get the real info.Our Commissioners have been told they cannot talk to staff ( I think that's bullcrap) so staff has them right under their thumb. I will be voting for Richard and Omari. I want elected officials,not puppets.Also voting no on the stupid and expensive name change. Also NO to selling the old chamber bldg.

Lynn Anderson said...

Sam, perhaps he has said that...I just not have heard him state it. What I did hear him say was, "Let the people vote."

Anonymous said...

Robinson caved to Scott.

Anonymous said...

don't like smear ads but no one said politics were always positive.who is to say the city manager didn't do this.dont care who you vote for just vote

Lynn Anderson said...

Again, national politics has reared its ugly head--interfering in our local non-partisan election.
Thanks, started it all years ago and that has made it difficult for grassroot candidates to win. On a local level, it gives my party a bad name.

Anonymous said...

thought scott was on your party

J. Benjamin said...

This election may be local and "non-partisan" but when the candidate picks up the endorsement of a local citizen and blogger who is extremely critical of Lake Worth and many of its residents and takes extreme right positions on national politics, voters need to step back and consider why such a person would prefer that candidate.

Because of your public endorsements, Lynn, my vote will be for other candidates. Most of us reject the divisiveness that national politics has brought to America these last 2 years and we don't want it locally. I can only assume that you prefer your candidates because they reflect your divisiveness and intolerance.

Anonymous said...

Robinson told me himself, that he is voting Yes for changing the name to LWB!

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:32--that has to be the most stupid comment of the day.
Omari is left of left.
Richard Guercio is a finance guy and a conservative.
They are both good for the city in different ways.
Both bring a different dynamic to the dais.
Everyone endorses. You're doing it by what you said.
And whatever you do, don't presume to understand my intentions or hypothesize---it just proves you are playing politics and your intent when you come over here with the sole intent to disparage my point of view.
I agree with you on the divisiveness of national politics all caused by the liberal media and the Democrats. Why don't you all just calm down and do the right thing for America and our city?

Anonymous said...

why don't you all just stop and vote for cathy.lets see if lynn prints this

Lynn Anderson said...

Cathy is a sweet gal and if she should win, I will support her. Hopefully she would NOT allow herself to be jerked around. No guarantees there and she is an unknown. We know that Omari stands his ground and does not let the bullies get to him.
Omari sent out a robo call several hours ago which was excellent.

Anonymous said...

got a few calls and they all say the same thing

Lynn Anderson said...

I have only received two calls (from incumbents)and they did not say the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Not cool. Omari might not be vested long term in this city but the benefit to that is he really has nothing to lose. People like Maxwell are at their “peak”, Omari is just getting started.