Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Worst of Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby was a highly educated man. He had a Masters degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and he earned his Doctor of Education degree in 1976, also from the same university. What a way for a revered actor and television star to finish up his life...prison could be his last home.


Anonymous said...

I don't feel sorry for him

Anonymous said...

When is Weinstein going to prison for life, it is about the same type of crime.

Anonymous said...

Cosby did not EARN that doctorate degree. It was given to him as an "honorary" degree. Several universities GAVE it to him. Most taken away now.

Anonymous said...

I never cared for Bill Cosbys form of comedy, nevertheless, it is still unfortunate that he, and many others, both male and female, stoop to this low form of behavior. I do not, however, in these cases, absolve from guilt the partner to the crime. I hope the people in the Cosby case are happy now that they have been awarded their pound of flesh.

Anonymous said...

Good point, 2:52pm it takes two to tango, reporting this in a timely manner would have prevented the others from believing "America's Dad" would forward their careers.

Lynn Anderson said...

Gain control by drugging and raping white women and then pretending he is a paragon of virtue making tons of money from his TV show in a "white man's world?" Great stuff, anonymous, great family values, at 7:53. He was convicted. He is guilty.

Anonymous said...

Society desperate to project a great fatherly image on a comedian without vetting him, what a PR job, yet decent everyday people are ignored.