Thursday, April 5, 2018

Megyn Kelly interviews Stormy Daniels lawyer

Megyn Kelly had Stormy’s lawyer on her show and she helped bury him as her audience laughed right in his face.

Kelly asked Michael Avenatti why his client hasn’t returned the $130k she extorted from Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer. He dodged the question several times but Kelly was persistent and in the end, Avenatti humiliated himself on national TV.


Anonymous said...

whos paying this guy

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:26--still only an allegation

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Lynn. The $130K that Trump's attorney gave her backed up with an NDA is a big nothingburger, right? It was just an early Christmas present.

You're a howl.

Lynn Anderson said...

Sometimes it is more prudent to pay off an adversary and in this case a whore than let the stupid charge simmer forever. In this situation, Trump's attorney made one fatal mistake--he never should have trusted a whore to live up to any contract excepting opening her legs.