Sunday, June 2, 2013

Illegal aliens in Israel to be transferred out

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We can't feel like the Lone Ranger when it comes to illegal aliens. There are other countries with the problem as well.   Read what Israel is doing about its illegals and the problems it faces with human rights groups.


Anonymous said...

Borders are man made, not God made, when you fly in a plane and look down you do not see lines separating countries, like on a man made map, it is all created by man. Our world would be a much better place if man stopped trying to control each other and just allowed all of us to be able to fly like birds to any place we want to without passports and visas, we might not have all the problems we do if we followed God's ways instead. We really are all brothers and sisters anyway and all need to work together to make this world a better place. Man's greed, selfishness, and ego created borders and all these problems to begin with.

Anonymous said...

What about the terrorists. Should we allow them in too? What about the hundreds of millions who want to immigrate here for economics. Do you want to pay for all of them? protect our borders. this is our country, not theirs.