Saturday, July 7, 2012

City Manager Reports

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It's been awhile. Staff never wanted to give weekly reports to the former city manager but they did. They have all finally gotten their way now. They are in control. Transparency, something the Mayor constantly brings up, has gone by the wayside. No one knows anything. It's all a guessing game. The public is told on a "need to know."

Someone told me to "lay off" the City Manager because he's a nice guy. Ok, so he's a nice guy. They went on to say he is everywhere and he just built a raft and had a float in the parade.  Good going. There was good value in that $600 investment. That and a nickel...
2012 City Manager's Reports
Attached Document or FileJune 1
Attached Document or FileMay 25: New & Improved City Manager's Report - Coming Soon!  Notice about new format of City Manager's Report


Anonymous said...

What happened to the city attorney?

Anonymous said...

Good Question, what did happen Lynn, you always seem to be in the know... As far as the City Manager is concerned he has been on the job for 11 weeks as of the Last Commission Meeting try giving him a little time before allowing the attacks to start.. Or have you been taking lessons from Zack????

Lynn Anderson said...

The City Manager has been on the job 11 weeks is it? Well, this sounds like Obama...I've only been here almost 4 years and I can't turn the economy around--it just gets worse--blame it on Bush--I haven't had enough time...give me a 2nd term, etc, etc.

When I was in business I could tell if someone was going to be successful or not within two weeks generally. It doesn't take a rocket scientist.

Sick of excuses. Where's the internal auditor?

Anonymous said...

Lynn, you're reading my mind, I was just wondering where the CM reports were. This new guy obviously thinks it's more important to make friends & be nice than to work hard & get things done. Great. LW taxpayers don't need a new pal in City Hall, we need an effective City Manager & Staff.

Also not a fan of his out of the sunshine meetings with Commissioners in lieu of dais discussions & staff presentations (wasn't a fan of those one-on-one meetings with Stanton either, by the way.)

In all his spare time, hope the new CM is polishing his resume. Average term of LW City Manager is only a few years. This ain't Lantana, baby.

Anonymous said...

I thought sunshine meant that two city commissioners couldn't meet and discuss city business or anything they could vote on without proper notice.

The city manager (CEO) meeting with board members to get their input on specific issues he deals with should not be considered out of the sunshine.

Expenditures and policy issues need to come before the entire board and voted on in public.

I don't see a big problem here. Can you explain why you think it is. Stanton did it and Maxwell refused to meet with her. The sitting commissioners may refuse to meet with this CM if they so choose. There is no sunshine issues unless the CM is being used as a conduit, which I think he understands and doesn't go there.

Anonymous said...

C'mon Lynn, Stanton's weekly reports never said anything.
How did we learn about the cost overruns on the beach, the SFWMD not granting full use of the RO Plant, the wide swings in Budget Projections from Actual---we learned after Stanton left the coverups to an inept Staff.

Lynn Anderson said...

The "cost over-runs" as you put it, were NOT, let me repeat, NOT, over-runs until this commission voted on spending the money. IMO, they should have said NO and the redevelopment should have been done for the money alloted. None did that--NOT even Maxwell. That is one time he failed in his "vote no" mantra.

I do believe we got a bull sh*t explanation regarding the infrastructure. I spoke at a public meeting about that very fact.

I found the city manager reports VERY informative and I, for one, miss them.

I am essentially against one-on-one meetings where any city manager meets with commissioners to persuade them to his/her point of view.

Anonymous said...

If the CM was a good guy, he wouldn't diss the citizens, not responding to their concerns or wanting to meet with him. He is another disappointment, more mediocrity from our elected officials. Why do we have to accept this? He is avoiding the public and not willing to listen to meet with us. This is not acceptable. He won't last long on this track. Don't lay off Lynn, keep pushing, I don't give a crap about whether he is a "good" guy or not, he will prove that on his own by his willingness to be respectful to all of us, he is not showing this yet. Keep up the great work Lynn, stay on top of these guys!

Anonymous said...

Stanton hid the cost overruns on the beach projects till the Casino was 60% completed. The Commission had to approve the revelation of utility costs or the Casino would not be operational.
However this Commission continues to put City Hall on a more effective foundation, not only by getting a 1st rate CM, but replacing the ineffective CA. The very popular CM-except evidently on this blog-has been the featured speaker to overflow crowds and is esteemed for his directness and in depth knowledge of the city’s problems. While the CA, who was easily controlled and dominated by the recently fired CM, was ineffective in assisting the new commission majority, either on or off the dais.
CM meetings with individual elected officials is the way efficient municipalities operate throughout the country as the questions of the elected and the other info necessary for the CM to operate are better transmitted in this manner. Shortened Commission meetings are just an added benefit.

Lynn Anderson said...

I personally believe that Stanton was not always told the truth by her staff. When you are working with multi-millions, you have to have a project manager for whom you can trust to watch over the store. We didn't have that other than an assistant city manager who did not have a clue about construction costs, etc. for some reason I recall that the idea of a project mgr was turned down.

As far as weekly meetings with a CM, I am for that to the extent it is not used to manipulate. As it is behind closed doors, no minutes are taken and no recordings are made, we have no idea what is happening. That IS the problem I have.

Bornstein may be the greatest. I like him personally. Who wouldn't? I believe in giving him some time. He has been here for one quarter. The budget will tell the tale.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, you made an interesting comment about Stanton might have had a problem with her staff not telling her the truth. If true, would the problem have been poor hiring ability or a staff reaction to the way they felt stanton treated them.
BTW, Stanton stated publically that a Casino Project Manager would be a wasteful use of money as Staff could handle the function in house.

Lynn Anderson said...

I do not ever remember Stanton saying that we could handle the function in-house. If you know what meeting, please share it. I do remember Maxwell moaning about costs all of the time...still does today.

Stanton inherited a lot of staff. In my opinion and observation, Joe Kroll is a prime example of a rogue employee. He was kept on because of politics. She got rid of a lot certain staff that did plot against her for many reasons one of which was the Unions, however, Kroll was her biggest enemy who was after her job. It was a shame that she allowed him to continue because of Maxwell. A city manager is there to make staff decisions and politics needs to stay out of it. When you have a few commissioners bad-mouthing the city manager and doing that ALL OVER TOWN, it doesn't do much for respect that the CM needs to do the job at 100%.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the response Lyn. I am checking notes and Commission Minutes for the Stanton quote on a Project Manager for the Casino. If memory serves, it was about the time all the Seawall and turtle light questions came up--so about summer 2011.
I thought Kroll was very well liked by everybody except Stanton and Commissioner Mulvehil--remember the Bryant Park complaints by 1-2 people. I know in the Bryant park Neighborhood Association Joe Kroll was well thought of.
I also don't know how JK was connecred to Beach-Casino info as that was the job of Stanton's Assistant CM. Did I get that wrong?

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks for checking on this.

As far as Kroll is concerned, yes he was well liked. He did fast favors for anyone who called him in the NA's who were in the "in-group." He was in charge of Public Works so that encompassed a lot of responsibility...more than he could handle, IMO. You would have had to know all the projects that he had his hands into that were incompetently handled, in my opinion, of course. At least Commissioner Mulvehill understood Kroll whereas others, who wanted to continue receiving the favors, held him up as another second coming and pulled the noose around Stanton's neck on a weekly basis. They protected him.

The Bryant Park issue had a heck of a lot more people complaining than 1 or 2 people. The chamber was packed. Kroll went around his authority to do what he did there and it was too costly to amend. Again, certain commissioners protected Kroll against Stanton. It was all bad politics.

As far as the Casino is concerned, he was involved in various aspects of it. The pool make-over was a total screw-up. Whenever Kroll was involved, we seemed to have lost tons of money. His first Fu*k up was the landfill.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the response Lynn. I have never been able to figue out the goals and numbers of the pool make over.
Also that whole land fill thing---a lot of yelling and screaming----testing revealing no problems---yet we don't seem to be able to use the landfill for anything--athletic fields--buildings--nothing.

Lynn Anderson said...

I don't know where you're getting your information but you are flat wrong. There was and is plenty wrong with the landfill.

Is this some sort of new strategy to plant false info here?

Anonymous said...

Lynn, I distinctly remember a Commissioner Maxwell Town Hall meeting in which the EPA revealed the results of soil borings were stated as not being in excess of any Fl or National standards.
If you would like I will try to ask Commissioner Maxwell for the actual report?

Lynn Anderson said...

Spare me please.

8-3-10 - Mock Roos's John Biggs says, "In my opinion, RSM should not have been placed on the site. Arsenic was found in the samples indicating higher levels than acceptable (1/3rd over threshold) in certain areas of the landfill for surrounding residential areas.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, I read the entire Mock Roos minutes from 8-3-10 and found nothing to substiantiate your comment.
I believe the City's water tests showed no need for further investigation and the ensuing lawsuit by the City was dropped because of lack of foundation.
Just saying......

Lynn Anderson said...

Look, I don't know who you are but please...

Mock Roos published a report dated July 23, 2010 wherein it addressed seven serious issues with the landfill and the debris that was dumped on it.

We are talking here about what was dumped on our landfill. Joe Kroll was in charge of that.

Please don't come over here with your political bull. It will not be published in the future.

Why or why the City did not sue the chit out of Sun recycling is a mystery. Although there was no defined trend for Arsenic, there was an increase in measured arsenic levels during and or immediately following the dumping of Sun Recycling's debris.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Badala , Genaral Manager @ Southern Waste Systems ARRESTED23 Arrested On Charges Of Operating Crime Ring

February 4, 2012|By Andrew Ryan Staff Writer and Staff Researcher Barbara Hijek contributed to this reportARRESTEDOther suspects arrested by the Broward Sheriff's Office during Operation Coldwater:Anthony Badala, 42John Belviso, 76James Boniello, 41Joseph Borst, 70Joseph Brundage, 34Nicholas Fiore, 45Fern Costanza, 59Leroy Funchess, 45Nicholas Pappas, 53Phillip Polizzotto, 47Gregory Romano, 64Joaquin Santos, 42Conrad Sargent, 45Charles Steinberg, 29Michael Trupiano, 46Anthony Uttariello, 31Christopher Williams, 35

Anonymous said...

What the heii does that mean? Arrested for what? Dumping Arsenic on our landfill? Staff writer for who? What has happened to these allegations?

Anonymous said...

Thank God for you and your blog Lynn, thank you! We need to expose the ineffectiveness of our leaders, like this new city manager, we do not have to accept his poor leadership and we should be able to question him, don't lay off, scrutinize him and all, raise questions, probe, hold him accountable, if he doesn't like it or he can move on, he will be fired shortly if he continues to behave the way he has toward some of us here. Thanks Lynn stick to holding him accountable and professional, thanks for all you do!