Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama relaxes Deportation Rules

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Obama leap-frogs the Dream Act. Congress voted it down and Obama says, "Screw you."



Anonymous said...

next week obama will announce that these criminals will all have the right to vote.

Anonymous said...

No different than the issue with gay marriage, this is just another ploy to get the 30+million US citizens with latino heritage to vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is all political, but we need a world without borders anyway, borders cause more problems than good, all these laws and rules made by man, too many limitations and restrictions that make it crazy for all of us. We need less rules and all paying their fair share, we need to unite and stop all this division. We are all God's children, let's help each other.

Anonymous said...

You can only vote if your a citizen. Don't see how they can vote since it's not citizen ship that they are getting.
It's an idea who's time has come. I am so miffed to see the foreign flags in cars. Show your allegiance and if you must have the flag of another country thats how they will be sorted out.