Wednesday, October 26, 2022

First Amendment Rights Ruling by Federal Judge

A federal judge handed down ruling on the First Amendment

Surprise, Democrats!

If there’s anything the radical Left hates the most, it’s the First Amendment. It offers critical rights to all Americans to protect their free speech and free association. I remember as a kid that frequently we read a sign in a window that read, "No shoes; No service." Then the radical Left came into the scene.

But now a federal judge just handed down a surprised ruling on the First Amendment.

Five years ago, Kathy Miller and Tastries in Bakersfield were hit with a lawsuit claiming that Miller’s bakery discriminated against a same-sex couple who wanted Tastries to bake their cake for their wedding.

It was well within Kathy Miller’s rights as the owner of Tastries to deny service for a same-sex wedding.

Read what happened


Anonymous said...

Well it's just like the case with Maria Bautista from New Orleans that wanted to become a priest and the judge said that she wasn't allowed to become a Catholic priest because there are other Christian religions where she is allowed to be a priest, people should realize that if someone doesn't want to bake your cake for you there's a lot of other bakers just go to another Baker don't keep pushing and insisting on your gay stuff on other people. And even if we're gay, gay people are good decent people and they don't want to deal with all of this stuff either most gays are low profile decent normal people all these trans things that they keep pushing nowadays all they're trying to do is make gay people look bad and make all gays targets for hate we don't need that we need more love in this world, we have enough hate so try to love gay people but if the baker doesn't want to bake your cake go to another Baker, that's all you need to do stop all these crazy lawsuits!

Anonymous said...

I heard of some new shopping experience a patriotic shopping experience online now that you can join called Public SQ public square and you can buy and sell and it's all patriotic and all people that are supporting Americans and Patriots and Republicans and if you don't want to shop on Amazon or give your money to them or to Walmart or any of these other evil companies that do so many woke and unpatriotic things stop shopping at Walmart they're the evil ones that stop selling the Mike Lindell products trying to make him go bankrupt. Amazon Walmart and a lot of these companies are all woke and we need to stop shopping and buying and using their websites and their stores and not use them anymore use something like the Public SQ and shop and buy there instead with other Patriots people who love the United States of America!