Tuesday, May 11, 2021

FBI Expands Search of Trump Supporters

FBI Expands Search for Trump Supporters to Torture over Misdemeanors

You might think that the FBI would be getting bored with jailing and torturing Trump voters for misdemeanor trespassing charges, but you’d be wrong.

Four full months after the January 6 kerfuffle at the US Capitol, the feds are expanding their search for “the worst of the worst.”

As of this writing, the FBI has arrested approximately 440 Trump supporters in 44 states. Those numbers include the husband and wife who had their door kicked in last week in Homer, Alaska, after the FBI misidentified the wife as the suspect who supposedly took Nancy Pelosi’s laptop on January 6th.

(Are they sure she didn’t just misplace the laptop? Pelosi looks 193 years old every time the Botox starts to wear off, and little old ladies are known to lose stuff.)

Read the rest of this article!

Maybe someone had better check that warrant...I mean they royally screwed up on the FISA warrant.


Anonymous said...

This is nothing but Fake News. Everyone knows that these people were verified antifa. There's a million articles that confirm it including right here. Why is the FBI saying they were Trump supporters?

Anonymous said...

FBI is swamp