Thursday, February 4, 2021

AOC - Drama Queen

AOC Wasn’t Inside Capitol Building on Jan 6, Despite Claiming to Have Been Nearly Assassinated

AOC wasn’t even in the Capitol building where all the action was going down. If she was in her office, she was in the Cannon Building which is nearby, but a different building. But of course, many didn’t get the logistics and just assumed that she was in the Capitol building.

So, what we know now, AOC lied!

Read about our favorite Gal


Anonymous said...

You mocked the Parkland kids.

Why is it not surprising that now you're now attacking a victim of crazed Trump supporters?

Stay classy, Lynn.

Lynn Anderson said...

Is this that lying little creep, David Hogg?
Wow. Heard you were going to start a pillow company to compete with Mike Lindell, a patriot and someone who IS classy.

Anonymous said...

7:05 if you're believing AOC as victim of anything, you drank the Koolade and hope you enjoy what's next from fraudulent politicians.