Friday, December 15, 2017

Doug Jones contributions

In an analysis of campaign donation reporting from the Federal Election Commission, CNN found that most of the outside money to Democrat Doug Jones’ victorious campaign came from just two states:  New York and California, the two most liberal states in the country.


Anonymous said...

Show Roy Moore's contribution sources.

Go ahead. I'm waiting.

Lynn Anderson said...

Money was definitely an advantage in this race-but it was the lies and scaring religious people to death that did Moore in.
Doug Jones got $11.5 million in individual contributions since May — more than double the $5.2 million raised by Republican nominee Roy Moore.
If you can find out where Roy Moore got most of his money, feel free to post it. One thing for sure, it wasn't California or New York.

Anonymous said...

Well, just like California has the most military bases, active military personal and largest amount of fire arms it makes sense that California would lead the donations total just by the fact that it's the largest size population wise. Also I'd be willing to bet that Bermont, New Hamphuse and Mass have a higher ratio of liberals then California.

Anonymous said...

I really blame the Republican establishment for this disaster. They inserted themselves where they were not welcome and tried to shove Luther Strange down the throats of Alabama voters. Moore was a rejection of McConnell and company,and not really the best candidate. Mo Brooks would have won in a landslide,but McConnell is more into holding onto his power than holding on to the majority in the Senate.
Jones is a proven baby killer. Moore was an accused pedophile .Sad all the way around.

Anonymous said...

There's a difference between proven AND accused. The accusation of pedophile is a stretch even if there's no way to prove it.

Steve Richman said...

"If you can find out where Roy Moore got most of his money, feel free to post it. One thing for sure, it wasn't California or New York."

Um, it's in the same CNN article that you link to in your post, Lynn.

And,no, Moore didn't get his money from California or NY...he's a hard right Republican. Doh!

So what is your point anyway? That Jones got outside money from liberal states and Moore got outside money from conservative states?


Breaking new ground here every day, Lynn!

Lynn Anderson said...

I think you know what my point is.

Anonymous said...

Jones bought and stole this election.