Saturday, October 1, 2016

Trump Fires back on Cuban travel embargo charge

This is the nastiest campaign I have ever seen and frankly I am sick of it all. Every day the Democrats come out with something more inflammatory than the preceding day to smear Trump.  Now its spending $68,000 in 1988 or 1998 depending on what report you read--on travel for a supposed business deal to Cuba.

Obama has opened up Cuba now for just about everything and American cruise ships are back on the Atlantic to beef up Cuba tourism.  Businessmen and American corporations want to invest once again since the travel embargo has been lifted. Obama is even closing down GITMO and releasing Muslim terrorists.

But the Clinton campaign drums up a charge of $68,000, once again, from 20 years ago and all liberals are running with it. We already know that the news media is ready to pounce on any little scandal that they can drum up and boy do they ever--from a fat beauty queen to sneaking around on an embargo in a communist country.  And the funny thing is, liberal Democrats just LOVE communists and the left-wing news media gets another field day.

Michelle Obama spends more than that on vacations. Michelle Obama’s 2014 trip to China cost American taxpayers $362,523.53 in air travel expenses alone. $68,000 wouldn't even cover her pedicures or Peking duck dinners.

Donald Trump responds with anger after being "exposed" by Newsweek (a liberal rag) for violating Cuban embargo

After it was revealed that Donald Trump had allegedly done illegal business in Cuba, the GOP nominee was quick to respond.

Trump fires back

As reported by The Hill on September 29, Trump spoke out against the allegation with full denial.
"I never went to Cuba," Trump said during an interview with local WMUR out of New Hampshire, continuing, "I've never been to Cuba. I never did business with Cuba." Trump went further with his explanation, explaining, "There's nothing else to say!" After the former host of "The Apprentice" claimed that he had never done business in Cuba, he noted, "I'd tell you very openly if I did."


Anonymous said...

His company got caught breaking the trade embargo - time to fess up and minimize the damage for this illegal activity. Keep denying and it keeps growing...

Anonymous said...

I would not believe any Hillary supporter's comments as they are liars just like Hillary, she has taught them well. Look up all facts before you comment. Trump is right about the media, don't believe until you
know the facts, just as Lester Holt lied as Moderator. The people are waking up and realize this isn't the AMERICA WE HAVE KNOWN.

Anonymous said...

Trump violated federal law when he and his organization breached the trade embargo. Period. There should be an FBI investigation, Just the same for anyone breaking a trade embargo, he is not special
and should not be allowed to skirt the law.

Lynn Anderson said...

ALLEGED, anonymous. ALLEGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$68,000 twenty years ago, the story goes by the left-wing rag. Grasping at straws.
Let's get Hillary in prison attire.
If you want to post anti-Trump comments, please start your own blog.
Thanks, as I am not going to answer this crap all damn day.