Thursday, July 25, 2024

SCOTUS responds to Planned Parenthood case

Something MAJOR just happened at the Supreme Court

"Planned Parenthood aborts over 1,000 innocent babies and takes $1.9 million of our tax dollars every single day. It's responsible for about 40% of all abortions in America.

It's been caught selling the body parts of aborted babies. Now a groundbreaking case pending at the U.S. Supreme Court could allow states to defund the abortion industry. It could decimate Planned Parenthood.

At the ACLJ, we are aggressively engaged in numerous cases against the abortion industry – including filing to defund Planned Parenthood at the Supreme Court. We've also filed our own vital case at the Supreme Court that could save countless babies.

A city, which is unnamed, is trying to criminalize the lifesaving work of pro-life sidewalk counselors and throw them in jail to prevent them from saving babies from Planned Parenthood.

Yesterday the city finally responded after being ordered to by the Justices. Now our next Supreme Court deadline is looming.

As we battle the endless taxpayer-funded resources of the Biden-Harris Administration and Planned Parenthood at the Supreme Court, we need YOU."

Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel


Anonymous said...

Baby killer pushers should never win! Abortion is murder!

Anonymous said...

I hope they abolish pp, they are evil demonic killers, what a disgrace!

Anonymous said...

If a murder needs to happen because of rape, murder the rapist! Not the innocent baby.

Anonymous said...

Right for rape incest and Life of mother, makes sense, but some sin still is sin and murder is sin!

Anonymous said...

We all need to pray daily to end abortion, I always say the Archbishop Fulton Sheen prayer each day to save the innocent babies in the womb.