Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kamala is a failure

Kamala's first foreign trip as Vice President in June 2021

Kamala Harris was tasked with delivering a blunt message in Guatemala City. "I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border: Do not come," she said at a press conference, pausing for effect. "Do not come."

Three years later, that sound bite may come to haunt Harris' nascent presidential campaign. Despite her warning, border crossings reached historic highs during the Biden Administration.

Republican critics cast the episode as a symbol of Harris’s ineffective tenure as President Biden's "border czar," a misleading label they applied after she was charged with helming diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration from Central America to the U.S.

“Kamala had one job,” Nikki Haley told the crowd at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee last week. “One job. And that was to fix the border. Now imagine her in charge of the entire country.”

Read about it...

She's brought death and destruction all across our country with her far-left radical agenda.


Anonymous said...

I've had three relatives killed by illegals and yesterday 2 illegals chased me around my backyard in Riviera Beach. I'm telling you, it's craziness!

Anonymous said...

I just want to know, how many abortions has mala had? She is the biggest baby killer supporter and pusher!

Anonymous said...

I used to be a Dem, but now would never vote Democrat ever now, complete slaves for Satan now, pure evil haters. Disgraceful!

Anonymous said...

Was she also behind the President assassination attempt?

Anonymous said...

She is a true antichrist! Her hate will give her cancer!

Anonymous said...

She has a lot of sin to atone for!