Monday, May 6, 2024

Kavasutra cited by Lake Worth for Trump sign on roof

'Trump 2024' painting on roof of Lake Worth Beach building leads to citation

 Kavasutra Kava Bar owner says he intends to fight city, arguing he doesn't need permit for mural because it's on roof instead of wall.

Read about it and see the video


Lynn Anderson said...

Just tried calling them but their mailbox is full. I was going to congratulate them!

Lynn Anderson said...

Awh, someone from The Lucerne complained and called code enforcement.:)

Anonymous said...

Lucerne resident took the bait and BOOM we have a story!

Anonymous said...

You can't do anything in lake Worth Beach right now without getting cited for something
This little town is growing so fast the interstructure is not going to be able to handle it then what we really have to slow down on the building cuz our roads are too skinny the sewer lines are old in the water lines are bad but hey he put something on the roof I don't see a problem with that it's not on the wall mural is on a wall or on the sidewalk not on the roof you can paint your roof any color you want there's no statute in anything that says the roof has to be a certain color

Anonymous said...

I think they should join the lawsuits like everybody else still in lake Worth Beach for something if they don't back down that's what he should do slap the city with a million dollar a day fine like they would like they would find him freedom of speech first amendment

Anonymous said...

i think someone is upset because they didnt have the idea first.also i thought campaing signs were protected

Anonymous said...

We have a city commissioner who sued our poor town and said we don’t need “luxury “ apartments in lake worth beach, you should ask him!

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:55...what commissioner sued the city?

Anonymous said...

Should we keep our city a dump and just concentrate on affordable housing that is NOT close to being affordable.

RG said...

Way to go Dylan!!!
(You know it was him...)

Anonymous said...

I bet if it said Pedophile Joe, the city would say "political signs are protected"

Libtards in Lake Worth will complain about anything they dont agree with.

Anonymous said...

The city dropped the case today. They tried to bully the wrong person.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:59...I guess Torcivia told them they would lose in a lawsuit. One thing the city can't afford is another lawsuit.
And R.J.--Yes, Dylan.