Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Terrorists/Hijackers of 9/11

September 11: Before terrorist attacks, Palm Beach County was home to hijackers

"In the summer leading up to the deadly terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, 12 of the 19 hijackers spent much of the last three months of their lives in Palm Beach County. They shopped at Winn-Dixie and Target, banked at SunTrust and even visited Lion Country Safari.

But, of course, they also prepared to unleash the deadliest attack on U.S. soil in history."

It was either late 2000 or sometime in 2001 when I was walking near Brogues with friends and a group of about 5 Mid-Eastern looking men strolled by. They all looked out of place. None looked like they were happy or having fun. I asked them where they were from and one said, "Israel." They continued to walk east and ended up sitting on the steps of The Gulfstream Hotel. I have often wondered through the years if I ran into some who did our country harm and ended up killing nearly 3,000 people and bringing down the World Trade Center. The thought has never left me.

We know several trained at the Lantana Airport. "Lantana, once known as the home of the National Enquirer, also hosted the two pilots who trained there to hit the World Trade Center. Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi spent time at businesses headquartered at the airport and nearby on Lantana Road."

Lake Worth: Terrorists hiding in plain sight just north and south of Lake Worth’s funky downtown were some small, privately owned apartments and hotels where some hijackers stayed when they first came to Palm Beach County in early June."

Palm Beach Post Article This article is very interesting written by Holly Baltz.


Anonymous said...

They stayed at the motel on Federal near 6th Avenue South. I don't see that in the article. Also, they were mostly Saudis, and a couple of Egyptians.

That motel is under different ownership now.

I'm pretty sure you know all of this Lynn, and don't quite understand why you posted an article that doesn't mention it.

The most readable book on 9/11 is: "The Looming Tower" by Lawrence Wright.

Anonymous said...

I was born and grew up in a victorious America. Since Viet Nam, all we do is suffer ignominious defeats.

I don't understand a country that spends so much time commemorating losses. It's like celebrating every time you lose a football game.

Listening to GW this morning, when he said "We can hear you", I realized that we were being punished for the profligacy of Bill Clinton, and his incompetent response to the USS Cole bombing.

GOD help a big country like the US that refuses to defend itself!