Saturday, September 11, 2021

Biden should not show his Face at Ground Zero says son of 9/11 victim

Son of 9/11 Victim to Biden: Don't Come to Ground Zero

Nic Haros, Jr., the son of 9/11 victim Frances Haros, on Monday said President Joe Biden should not visit Ground Zero on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 as planned because of his "doomed" pullout of Afghanistan.

"I am demanding that President Biden dare not show his face at Ground Zero on 9/11," Haros said. "It is now holy ground, and I really don't think he has a place there."

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Trump will be there later today

Anonymous said...

Why would Trump show up with those Bozos?

Anonymous said...

Who Cares?

Anonymous said...

Trump is there to help support the first responders.