Thursday, August 25, 2016

Lake Worth Workshop on General Obligation Bond

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What's it going to cost you? What is the plan? Maybe we'll find out. And maybe we won't. Just hope it's not a Nancy Pelosi philosophy: “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it....”

Read the PBPost article indicating that the reporter, Kevin D. Thompson, can't get any information. There is no back-up. Is this transparency?


Weetha Peebull said...

Thank You Kevin for stating the obvious!

Anonymous said...

This visionary commission wants it all to be a surprise. If Thompson can't get the info being the shill that he is for city hall, then no one can get it until maxwell is ready to give it out.

Weetha Peebull said...

Do we ALL obey ALL the Laws?


(1) Agenda submittal deadline: The deadline for submitting items for inclusion on an agenda shall be no later than 12:00 PM on Friday, 11 days prior to a regularly scheduled Commission meeting.

(2) Agenda distribution deadline: The deadline for distributing a final agenda with supporting documents shall be no later than Thursday, the week prior to a regularly scheduled City Commission meeting.

For all special or workshop City Commission meetings,
the agendas with supporting documents will be distributed
consistent with the timeframe referenced above.

(3) Amendment to agenda: There shall be no changes, revisions or alterations (add-ons) to a distributed City Commission agenda unless the matter is deemed to be an emergency.

In the case of an emergency, any person or City Commissioner requesting a change, revision or
alteration (add-on) to the City Commission agenda must
do so in writing, provide written justification for the emergency within the narrative of an agenda
memorandum, and include supporting backup material to
the City Manager no later than 5:00 PM the Friday
before a regularly scheduled Commission meeting.

The name of the person or City Commissioner requesting
the change, revision or alteration (add-on) shall be placed with the agenda item to be presented. The written justification and supporting backup material shall be submitted to the City Commission prior to a regularly scheduled Commission meeting.

At the beginning of the City Commission meeting, the
City Commission shall review the emergency and, in its discretion, will determine whether it will accept,
review and take action on the matter requested.

Anonymous said...

I used to love this game called "mystery Date " when I was a kid.
Having to vote for a "Mystery Bond" ? No way.
No Info No Bond

Anonymous said...

What info do you idiots need? You don't know anything about paving, a $40 million project is so far out of the realm of your comprehension it's not even funny and none of you understand how to run anything, let alone a city. So vote no. The write letters to the post to complain about the potholes. All because scotty won't sit down and explain every detail to you. Even though you are incapable of understanding any of it. Vote no for the right to vote no.

Anonymous said...

This is all within your "realm' of understanding? Scott's? LOL the city needs to give all of the details, not just a few. And Scott certainly is not capable of understanding road resurfacing, infrastructure or bond financing. If anyone was capable, perhaps they would tell the public, the ones who will be paying for it all.

It must be hell to be a cheerleader and an insufferable idiot, your word.