Thursday, October 29, 2015

Quote of the Day - Marco Rubio

After last night's debate, there are so many great quotes of the day.

The Democrats have been digging up any dirt that might stick in order to tarnish a Republican's character and have been coming after Marco Rubio and attacking his attendance record in the Senate. The Democrats forget about Hillary Clinton missing 83.5 per cent in the last quarter in 2007 when she was running against Obama. Donald Trump and Jeb Bush, the wimp, has attacked Rubio as well.

Last night, the liberal CNBC moderator and total jerk, Carl Quintanilla, came after Rubio and asked him--"Do you hate your job?"

Rubio knocked it out of the park with this response.

“Let me answer your question on the Sun-Sentinel editorial today. Back in 2004, one of my predecessors to the senate by the name of Bob Graham, a Democrat, ran for President, missing over 30 percent of his votes. I don’t recall them calling for his resignation. Later that year, in 2004, John Kerry ran for President, missing close to 60 to 70 percent of his votes. I don’t recall the Sun — in fact, the Sun-Sentinel endorsed him. In 2008, Barack Obama missed 60 or 70 percent of his votes, and the same newspaper endorsed him again.

So this is another example of the double standard that exists in this country between the mainstream media and the conservative.”


Anonymous said...

If Rubio gets offended and excited by a CNBC moderator and the Sun-Sentinel, how is he going to stand up to Putin?

Trump is America's Savior. He'd spit in his face and Obama's, too.

That's what we need!

Anonymous said...

I think you're right. This is a great example of a double standard in the media.

President Obama's voting record came under intense attack by Republicans and Fox News back in 2008 when he was running for president. Remember when there were questions about why he voted "present" so many times? The fact that Republican candidates and Fox News now question these same inquiries shows a huge media bias that seems to favor the right wing.

If Republicans questioned Obama's voting record when he was running then they should pull on their big boy pants, quit whining and answer similar questions that are being asked of them today.