Friday, July 9, 2010

Illegal alien MS-13 Gang member gets life in prison for triple murders

Illegal alien who committed triple murder, gets life

Fox News just announced that Rodolfo Godinez, the first defendant of the triple murders in New Jersey is an Illegal immigrant and a member of MS-13, an international criminal gang known for extreme and bloody violence. It was further stated that the Mexican drug cartel that crosses the Arizona border day and night 24/7/365, recruits this vicious gang for its drug activities.

Fox said Godinez was arrested in 2006 for aggravated assault and has a 31 count indictment which includes child molestation and threatening the family of the little girl he molested. At that time, he was allowed to bond out at 150,000 and then murdered three college students and shot a fourth just for fun--it was some sort of gang initiation.

This would not have happened if we had secure borders. All elected officials who condone illegal immigration are a party to these murders. MS-13 is in Lake Worth

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