Friday, June 7, 2024

Joe Scarborough attacks a Wall Street Journal article

MSNBC Has Meltdown as Wall Street Journal Reveals Biden’s Mental Decline

The liberal media’s lack of objectivity was on full display on Morning Joe as Joe Scarborough and other panelists launched a furious attack against a Wall Street Journal article that shed light on Joe Biden’s obvious mental decline.

Despite the clear and undeniable evidence of his “senior moments,” which have been catalogued for 96 weeks and counting by the Free Beacon, Scarborough was determined to defend Biden’s mental acuity at all costs.

Scarborough’s first defense was boasting about his own experience meeting with presidents, Speakers of the House, and foreign leaders. He tried to make it seem like he was uniquely qualified to judge Biden’s competency. However, his argument quickly fell apart when he claimed that Biden was “light years ahead” of all these other dignitaries.

It’s a ridiculous claim considering Biden’s frequent gaffes and clear struggles with mental clarity, as even the Journal article pointed out.

In an attempt to further defend Biden, Scarborough declared that he was the best version of himself intellectually and analytically. He even dared to claim that those who couldn’t see this were lacking in some way. This statement is not only offensive but also completely out of touch with reality. Biden’s mental acuity is clearly declining, and it’s not something that should be swept under the rug in the name of political bias.

Read more about this fool...

Does anyone watch these two, Mika and Joe? According to the ratings, he gets a million viewers every day. All Democrats I would presume.


Anonymous said...

Joe should be more concerned about Mika's brain. She sits there and looks like a lost bird. Not a good look Mika.

Anonymous said...

They all need our prayers! 🙏