Monday, June 10, 2024

A Different type of Navy in a Woke World

Navy SEALs Go Full Rainbow Drag Queen Spectacle During Pride Month

It just gets more stupid by the day!

A graphic celebrating Pride Month was shared by the United States Navy Special Warfare Command on its Facebook page on June 1. The image featured rainbow hues along with the organization’s emblem and the phrases “dignity,” “service,” “respect,” “equality,” and “pride.”

One of the top three liked comments under the post read:
  • “This is a slap in the face of every special warfare operator that has put their lives on the line for our nation.”
  • “Man, this woke stuff is like a cancer and needs to be dealt with as a threat to national security. It’s gone way too far.” While these two comments were met with approval from many users
  •  “I am so glad I got out before this bullsh*t took over.”

"The Pentagon likes to say ‘our diversity is our strength.’ What a bunch of garbage. In the military, our diversity is not our strength. Our unity is our strength, and we need a commander-in-chief that understands that. Donald Trump certainly does," Pete Hegseth said.

Our mayor believes that diversity is our strength but then, she is a Democrat.

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