Thursday, May 30, 2024

Judge restricts evidence in Hunter Biden trial

Democrat Judge restricts use of 'salacious' evidence in upcoming Hunter Biden gun trial

The next few months are certain to be filled with stress and embarrassment for the entire Biden family, but first son Hunter got at least some good news last week from the federal judge overseeing one of his criminal cases.

As Fox News reports, Judge Maryellen Norieka, presiding over Hunter Biden's upcoming trial on gun charges, ruled Friday that prosecutors will be barred from using certain, arguably salacious evidence against the president's son.

According to the outlet, Norieka determined that special counsel David Weiss and his team will be prohibited from introducing any references to Hunter Biden's discharge from the U.S. Navy as they attempt to secure a conviction for alleged violation of federal firearms laws.

Furthermore, the prosecution team will not be able to introduce information about Hunter Biden's child support battles concerning his young daughter, born out of wedlock, who is currently living in Arkansas.

Even with the restrictions placed on the prosecution by Norieka, it seems likely that numerous, highly embarrassing details of Hunter's past life will emerge at trial, given the witnesses who are expected to be called.

Read more about Hunter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The slaves will keep winning a little while longer.