Saturday, February 12, 2022

Justin Trudeau's half-brother shares feelings

Justin Trudeau’s Brother Accuses Brother of Being a Puppet for the Anti-Freedom Global Elitists

Americans who believe in the notion of a global elitist group working to control the world don’t need to look far for proof. Just take a look at our neighbor to the north. Canada, once a proud democracy, albeit with a scattered population, is fast becoming an authoritarian state.

All we need to do is watch one of Justin Trudeau’s abysmal attempts at on-camera sincerity, and it becomes obvious. Justin Trudeau truly believes he is some kind of elite deity. His mannerisms and condescending vocal inflections are nauseating.

Kemper, Trudeau's half-brother, believes his brother is controlled and manipulated by Canada’s “Liberal Party.” Despite being the visual face of the nation, Trudeau is little more than a puppet for the left. This should sound very familiar to Americans. The United States is experiencing the same thing.


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